Well, there must be more to it. I disabled most notifications. That seems to possibly helped a bit, but I'm still getting some alarms. When I turn on the display and use a fingerprint and then pull down the notifications panel, I get some displays, but nothing which should cause an alarm. For example, I use Evernote and that is on the display panel, but just the application, nothing which needs attention - it offers to show me recently displayed notes. The other thing is the calendar. I use "Sunrise" but all that is showing is that it's someone's birthday. Does that cause an alarm? I want to know about birthdays but I don't want to cause alarms.
It buzzes at me in the morning. Tomorrow, perhaps I will turn off all notifications. Maybe that will work. However, that would be like using a tank to kill a mosquito. I really don't want to do that. I would like to use alarms when I decide.
I still think it needs a manual! Some things are not intuitive.