I've got a 160GB AppleTV that although not in heavy use, is handy at times. Recently, it's been making an annoying whirring noise so I pulled it apart this morning - it's the cooling fan. Initially I thought this would be less hassle than the HD dying but no, seems not.
As far as I can tell, the fan is unique to the AppleTV and isn't available anywhere. Even the local Apple repair place can't get them - they just swap out AppleTVs for 125 quid+VAT - no way do we get that much use from it to make that worthwhile :-(
So, if it's not possible to find a real fan for the thing, has anyone replaced it with anything else? I can't be the only person with this problem!
As far as I can tell, the fan is unique to the AppleTV and isn't available anywhere. Even the local Apple repair place can't get them - they just swap out AppleTVs for 125 quid+VAT - no way do we get that much use from it to make that worthwhile :-(
So, if it's not possible to find a real fan for the thing, has anyone replaced it with anything else? I can't be the only person with this problem!