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macrumors newbie
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Oct 11, 2005

I am writting a paper on the advantages of Mac's over PC's and I need some creadible sources for the paper. Does anybody now of any literature on this subject that I can use??? Organizational Web-sites, journal articles, books??? I want to write a very in depth paper on the subject, so the more sources the better. Thank you in advance.


P.S. I apologize in advance if this thread is under the wrong forum.
PCMacUser said:
Wikipedia is not considered a credible source by many universities.
does that matter? he can well track back the more "credible" sources from wiki's refs.
You picked THAT as a topic to write a paper about? Wow, the educational system really is failing its young people. How about something important like poverty, health care, cuts in education spending, the overwhelming number of scientists and engineers nations like India and China are graduating versus the United States....

Macs vs. PCs??? Really???

If you want to do something Mac-related, how about the tangible impacts (customer expectations, stock prices, investor relations, competitor advantage) of rumors from rumor sites and legitimate news sources like the Wall Street Journal on companies LIKE Apple and others.
MovieCutter said:
If you want to do something Mac-related, how about the tangible impacts (customer expectations, stock prices, investor relations, competitor advantage) of rumors from rumor sites and legitimate news sources like the Wall Street Journal on companies LIKE Apple and others.

what about how Apple doesn't tell the public what/when they are releasing? most other companies don't have events like apple does, or least not as many
twoodcc said:
what about how Apple doesn't tell the public what/when they are releasing? most other companies don't have events like apple does, or least not as many

Probably couldn't find a lot of research on that, though it's an interesting idea. The "buzz" model Apple has created for itself by NOT disclosing it's plans until the products are ready for release. This creates an astounding amount of free press and publicity, vastly moreso than ANY other company on the planet. Something more academic and thought out that "Macs vs. PCs". That horse has been beaten over, and over, and over, makes you look like a complete geek with very few redeeming qualities of mental does.
well i like xvsxp, but that leads to the xpvsx site, xvsxp being pro osx xpvx being pro xp, kinda interesting to see how the compared. i agree with movie cutter though. a paper on macs vs windows........
MovieCutter said:
Probably couldn't find a lot of research on that, though it's an interesting idea. The "buzz" model Apple has created for itself by NOT disclosing it's plans until the products are ready for release. This creates an astounding amount of free press and publicity, vastly moreso than ANY other company on the planet. Something more academic and thought out that "Macs vs. PCs". That horse has been beaten over, and over, and over, makes you look like a complete geek with very few redeeming qualities of mental does.

maybe not a lot of research on it, but Apple is one of the only ones who does it, and they have been very successful. that in itself you could use, and compare with Dell's numbers that do not hold events like Apple does.

i agree that Macs vs. PCs has been beaten quite a bit. but with recent changes, it's not a total wrong thing to do. now that you can boot windows on a Mac, it does change it a little
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diegozuniga said:

I need some creadible sources


:rolleyes: MADE ON A MAC!!!
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Regarding subject

Yes, my topic maybe kind of broad and general, but it is for my English II class and it is basically a busy work class. I am much more ocuppied with my other classes as to spend several hours researching in depth subjects that i do not know that much about. I have huge projects for my senior desing class for which i spend the majority of my time and researching efforts. I am aware that it is sort of an old and beaten subject, but here in West Texas Apple is still regarded as problematic computer. I promise that in future paper, the subject matter will be more contravertial.
diegozuniga said:
Yes, my topic maybe kind of broad and general, but it is for my English II class and it is basically a busy work class. I am much more ocuppied with my other classes as to spend several hours researching in depth subjects that i do not know that much about. I have huge projects for my senior desing class for which i spend the majority of my time and researching efforts. I am aware that it is sort of an old and beaten subject, but here in West Texas Apple is still regarded as problematic computer. I promise that in future paper, the subject matter will be more contravertial.

You mean controverSial? It's not a matter of controversy, it's a matter of depth and quality of subject matter, but seeing as this appears to be for a high school class, I'd say go for it.
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