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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 21, 2012
I have a 2008 Macbook pro, and an even older digital 8-track (Fostex VF08). I would like to transfer song onto my Mac but it only has an SP/DIF output and the mac a firewire input. Is there a cable that can do this?

Or it also has the red & white sound outputs which I suppose could go into the MB's mic input. Would this be of lesser quality though?
A) This is probably in the wrong sub-forumn

B) Doesn't the MacBook Pro have mini-optical audio input?
Your MBP has optical in. It is the same jack as mic. You just need a cable that converts the optical out of your device to a headphone-jack-size optical in. Monoprice carries that.

If your SP/DIF output on the device is coaxial cable instead of optical, you will need a little converter too. I believe Monoprice carries that as well.
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