I have searched the forum and have not found advice specific to my question. I am a composer currently running Digital Performer 7.2 on my 2.53 MPB 4GB ram. I just got paid for a gig and am ready for the MP that I have been drooling over. I run many sample libraries currently from external drives. Very slow and tedious as you can imagine. Here's my question.
Refurb 3.33 6 core OR new 2.4 8 core? (currently $350 difference)
My understanding is that processor power is not nearly as critical in this type of work as video. RAM is important though also the ability to stream data from hard drives (SSD good option). I know about RAM limitations on SP. I would probably start out with 16GB (from owc of course).
Refurb 3.33 6 core OR new 2.4 8 core? (currently $350 difference)
My understanding is that processor power is not nearly as critical in this type of work as video. RAM is important though also the ability to stream data from hard drives (SSD good option). I know about RAM limitations on SP. I would probably start out with 16GB (from owc of course).