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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 23, 2014
BEWARE: Addicting, challenging game ahead!

How's it going!

I just recently started developing games for the iOS as something fun to do during my summer vacation. I decided to make something simple for my first game and I came up with Space Rocks, an endless dodger, arcade game.

The premise is simple: You have gotten stuck in the middle of a never ending asteroid field and now you must maneuver your ship to dodge the Space Rocks.

The controls are easy to master: Tap the left side of screen to move left and tap the right side of the screen to move right.

The goal is simple: Gain a high score by dodging the Space Rocks. Expect many deaths!


I hope I succeeded in creating a simple yet addicting game that people can enjoy. I would appreciate any feedback to improve this game and any future projects. If you like the game I would appreciate if you shared it.


Thank You for checking my first project out :)
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Bug Reports

I forgot to mention that if you guys find any bugs or things that should be improved I would appreciate if you let me know about them. :D
Update 1.1

I just published an update fixing some annoying bugs in the original game, and instructions are more clear now.
- Fixed multi-touch support
- Added instructions during countdown
- Per user recommendation ship now warps to other side of screen.
- Misc. bug fixes.

Nothing major but should make the game should be much more enjoyable now.

Got any recommendations? Please tell me about them, and ratings are appreciated.
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