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macrumors member
Original poster
May 9, 2021

I am facing an issue I can't find the right angle to solve, so here I am asking for opinions.

Running macOS Sonoma (the latest beta) on a M1 Macbook Pro to which I have paired Airpods Pro 2. When I try to listen to content marked as Spacial Audio compatible (e.g., on Netflix) and turn on Spacial Audio via the control center, the option is greyed out and can't be toggled on. Same story for Spotify.

These 2 examples were tested on my iPhone and the spacial audio feature works there, in the same exact test cases.

Any idea why is this happening and how could I try to fix it? Is it in issue with the beta software? On my iPhone, I also run beta for ios 17.

Thank you!
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