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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 13, 2003
Tucson, AZ
I'm sharing my iTunes library with a few other Mac users in my University dorm. It'd be really nice if I could get an applescript that takes my currently playing song and then adds it to a smart playlist, that automatically updates, so other users would be able to see what song I am playing all the time, from their remote location.
I've seen scripts that copy a song file into a regular playlist, but I'd like it to be automatically updating. Does anyone know if this can be done, can help me, or just has the inclination to tell me to be quiet? It certainly isn't a necessity...
Re: Special iTunes Script

Originally posted by Marble
I'm sharing my iTunes library with a few other Mac users in my University dorm. It'd be really nice if I could get an applescript that takes my currently playing song and then adds it to a smart playlist, that automatically updates, so other users would be able to see what song I am playing all the time, from their remote location.
I've seen scripts that copy a song file into a regular playlist, but I'd like it to be automatically updating. Does anyone know if this can be done, can help me, or just has the inclination to tell me to be quiet? It certainly isn't a necessity...

Well, this isn't exactly what you were asking for but it may work for you. It sets your status message in iChat to reflect what artist you are currently listening to. You can easily modify the script to show what song is playing if you like.

Here it is:

on idle
_tell application \"itunes\"
__if player state is playing then
___set a to artist of current track
___if a is \"\" then
____set a to \"mysterious unknown music\"
___end if
___set a to \"nothing\"
__end if
_end tell

_tell application \"iChat\"
__set status message to \"listening to \" & a
_end tell

_return 20
end idle
Yeah, I've seen that one around. It would be a whole lot more useful if I used iChat more often. As it stands now, though...

Thanks for helping me, anyway.
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