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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 22, 2009
So as some might know I just jailbroke my phone and have cydia working. I am trying to find two specific apps that I heard about before I jailbroke but now forgot it.

1) How to delete the apps that came with the phone off the weather, voice memos, contacts etc...

2) I want to customize my springboard, I am using a picture for my background and I want to organize my icons around the picture, however right now it only allows me to arrange them side by side, I cant arrange one row on top and leave the middle blank and another row on the bottom. Anyone know the app that can do this?

1. Bossprefs allows you to hide any app that's on the springboard.

2. iBlank allows you to create black icons that don't show up on the springboard, but act as so. You can delete and move them like any other application.
1. If you download and open BossPrefs from cydia there is a little icon called "Poof" that you can use to toggle the visibility of selected icons.

2. You can use iBlank (also from cydia) to make blank icons. But I had horrible luck with this program, and the blank icons would always breed and create more, even if I deleted them, they would always come back. Even after uninstalling iBlank, I had to do a restore to alleviate the problem. Use it at your own caution.
Not positive, but I thought I heard somewhere that BossPrefs isn't stable on the 3gs? You should uses SBSettings instead. It has Poof built into that too and it will let you hide icons, among other cool stuff.
Not positive, but I thought I heard somewhere that BossPrefs isn't stable on the 3gs? You should uses SBSettings instead. It has Poof built into that too and it will let you hide icons, among other cool stuff.

As far as I can remember, I was never able to install SBSettings without installing BossPrefs first.
As far as I can remember, I was never able to install SBSettings without installing BossPrefs first.

If that's true then BossPrefs must have come bundled with it or another app, because I never specifically installed BossPrefs manually and I'm running SBSettings fine.
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