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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2017
Speech Central is a fully featured text to speech suite for Mac.

Main screen shot.png
It has a full support for the web, text documents (pdf, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, email etc) and e-books (epub and fb2). You can bookmark important paragraphs and mark important documents as favorite. All items are stored for offline use with easy retrieval via search and filter.

The web support includes reading of RSS feeds and web site home pages and adding articles directly from that interface. You can also add articles by browsing or by pasting the link. The text to read and language are automatically detected.

All items can be also converted into .m4a files.

The app has support for the Touch Bar on new MacBook Pro.

The app is available on the App Store. I am the developer of the app, so feel free to ask the questions and even better to suggest new features that you would like to see.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 24, 2017
The app had frequent updates improving usability, adding new features and support for the latest macOS features (like the dark mode in macOS Mojave).

On Mojave's App Store there are app priviews that help you get the better insight into the app:
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