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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 8, 2007
I am using acrobat 7 pro on a mac pro, which is running in rosetta, bet even a decent sized pdf will be choppy when this because of rosetta? I figured that would only effect it when first loading and then editing it.

Would a 8800GT card speed up the choppiness or does it use the CPU for that?

Also these are 40+mb print ready pdf's, I might be able to attach on somehow if that helps.

You could try dragging it to the trash.

But honestly, It's just a dog. I use it only when I have to, and Preview for the rest.
Yeah. Blame Rosetta.

Acrobat 7 was kind of sluggish anyway. Mix that with the emulation of Rosetta, and you're going to have scrolling issues.

I'm on 8. It's significantly better on my machine with an Intel processor. Despite that, Preview is still quicker.

Stick with Preview. It renders PDFs correctly about 90%-95% of the time in my experience.
Your best bet is probably to update to version 9, which is faster than 8 (though both were intel native).

Back when I was using a PowerBook with version 8, I seem to remember the processor churning away when scrolling, so I'm not sure a new graphics card would speed things up anyway. (Acrobat really seems to like redrawing everything on screen when scrolling, which slows things down, especially if you've got lots of markup, etc., on the pages).
Or you could try installing the latest Acrobat reader. It opens tons faster and responds faster than Acrobat 8. If all you're doing is viewing/proofing, it will do it for you, and I feel like it renders more accurately than preview sometimes.
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