Speedtouch 585 and No Wireless! Help Please?
I have just got a new Thomson Speedtouch 585 (newer verion of the 580) to establish a wireless network at home (small business), sharing my desktop Power Mac G4, PowerBook G4 and a new Dell with XP (not my fault and another story). OS = Panther 10.3.9 and I am on BT Broadband. I am totally ignorant about establishing Networks. The router is straight out of the box and I have not changed any of the default settings.
The router 'works', insofar as I have connected it, lights flash, and I can get access to the Internet.
Using my PowerBook as the test computer, I turned on Airport and looked for detection of a Wireless signal. Nothing. I used Internet Connect and tried again. Nothing. I used the Speedtouch utility to detect devices and --- nothing.
I also now have about 11 different Airport icons in the Airport panel, from my abortive attempts to get a connection, and don't know how to clear/delete them. Any help here as well, please?
Is there anyone who can give any advice, or is it going to be one of those things where I hire the services of an 'expert' to sort it all out?
All help and suggestions much appreciated. Thanks.