i would start with a circle. I've attached two examples of how i would do it. But the basis of both of mine are circles. The Blue one, i drew a circle and gave it a stroke, then i used the scissor tool to divide the bottom of it. the i moved the path around and warped it to fit what i needed. Then just duplicated and squeezed in as i went down the line a little to fit "perspective".
The red one, i just took a circle, and filled it red. Then i clicked on the left hand point and pulled it in and messed with it's handles a little to fit the shape. After that i dupicated that, shrunk it down and squeezed it in some, then subtracted that shaped. cut off the bottoms of the compound path, and voila!
hope that helps. I don't actually think there is an "easy" way of doing it, the best way really is to just draw it.