Hi Everyone,
I currently shoot high school basketball. I am not doing this or any money, simply because I enjoy shooting and my brother is on the team. Anyway, I am looking to upgrade my lens and camera.
First of all, I am going to upgrade to the 1D Mark II, and that is for sure. Right now, I have a T3. Therefore, I will be using a full-frame camera. I have a Canon 50 1.4, and that is the only lens I can use for indoors. The 50mm just isn't enough. I am able to be under the basket, on the sides, pretty much anywhere. We have large gyms. So - I am looking to upgrade to a 70-200 2.8, or another lens. So my choices are in the poll and if you will please vote on the lens, that would be awesome. The light in the gyms are decent, although no where near being fantastic. No flash is allowed.
Thanks so much for your time!
EDIT - The multiple choice feature is added. If you think I should get two go ahead! Thanks!
I currently shoot high school basketball. I am not doing this or any money, simply because I enjoy shooting and my brother is on the team. Anyway, I am looking to upgrade my lens and camera.
First of all, I am going to upgrade to the 1D Mark II, and that is for sure. Right now, I have a T3. Therefore, I will be using a full-frame camera. I have a Canon 50 1.4, and that is the only lens I can use for indoors. The 50mm just isn't enough. I am able to be under the basket, on the sides, pretty much anywhere. We have large gyms. So - I am looking to upgrade to a 70-200 2.8, or another lens. So my choices are in the poll and if you will please vote on the lens, that would be awesome. The light in the gyms are decent, although no where near being fantastic. No flash is allowed.
Thanks so much for your time!
EDIT - The multiple choice feature is added. If you think I should get two go ahead! Thanks!
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