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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 8, 2023
Hi, guys I have problem that can't fix. Watching tons of videos in yt and reading threads in other forums and websites.
Before when I pressed cmd + spacebar then type my query and press enter, Mac starting to search in safari( if it wasn't app or something like this), now it didn't working. Spotlight is still working, can open apps, searching files, and photos, can open safari, but 'auto' search in safari didn't working.

This problem appearers 2-3 month ago. I idolised Mac for spotlight, cause every second and in every app I could press cmd + spacebar, write my question and search answer in safari. Hope that you can help me.
Have Mac M1 2020 with latest software. Mac works under my profile not in safe mode. Try to reboot it and wright some commands in terminal.
Thanks in advance,


macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
USA (Virginia)
There is a setting that affects what results Spotlight shows -- perhaps you accidentally turned off some of the "Search Results" items?

I'm still on Monterey, so for me the setting is in System Preferences>Spotlight>Search Results tab. You are probably running the newer Ventura, where they changed over to System Settings and re-arranged some things. You can probably look there for Spotlight settings.
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