Spotlight search doesn't have developer as a category I can uncheck.
I seemingly don't have Xcode installed (and I don't think I ever did).
It leaves spotlight so cluttered and terrible looking, I'm not using it anymore, now that I discovered Alfred.
So, this problem isn't really upsetting me now that I'm not using spotlight, but am slightly curious having only spent about 10 minutes searching for a solution, I gave up.
Not a big deal, but if you know, I'd love to too!
I seemingly don't have Xcode installed (and I don't think I ever did).
It leaves spotlight so cluttered and terrible looking, I'm not using it anymore, now that I discovered Alfred.
So, this problem isn't really upsetting me now that I'm not using spotlight, but am slightly curious having only spent about 10 minutes searching for a solution, I gave up.
Not a big deal, but if you know, I'd love to too!