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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 10, 2022
Hello, thanks in advance
as you can see in my last post i have a MacBook Pro with macOS Monterey (which i will bring to Apple Repair Service) that is broken, It does not recharge anymore.

Before to send my MBPro to Apple Service for my job I need to recover some of my data from the SSD, I have purchased a connector SSD to USB and it works well.

Both my other PCs and Mac find the SSD in APFS but the problem is that when i connect the device on both my Windows PC and MacBook Air, they show me the HD but it is empty (no folders or files), although both shows me that the HD i 75% full of data.

How can I make show files on one of these devices? I need to copy some datas before to bring the Mac Book Pro to Apple service.

I tried also Paragon APFS+, UFS Explorer, Mac Drive 10 on Windows, the problem is that it recognize the HD but it has no folders, or files.
Thanks again.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Which Macbook Pro?
What YEAR was it made?
Intel or m-series?

Where's your backup?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 10, 2022
I have Mac Book Pro 15" Retina Mid2015 A1398 Intel 2.8ghz
I do not have any recent (more than one week ago).

Have an update:
I have updated my Mac Book Air from Sierra to Monterey and now it shows me all the files from the SSD.
I fixed the problem and recovered all the datas.

But Windows has the same problems (does not show the file on HD despite I have tried Paragon APFS+, UFS Explorer, Mac Drive 10) , so If you have an advice for Windows user can be helpful.
Thank you!
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