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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 23, 2006
My iPhone was jailbroken and unlocked with iNdependence. I seem to remember that the unlocking procedure involved installing openSSH. How do I use this as an ssh client on my iPhone?

I ask this because my school's wifi requires you to authenticate yourself by entering "ssh [userid]@" and then entering a password in Terminal on a mac. I need to be able to do something similar on the phone. When I try this on, it says "Command not found" or something similar. How do I get this working?
I did. How do I use it to authenticate myself on the iPhone?
ssh root@[IPADDRESS]
password: alpine
(change your password after you get logged in if you're going to have ssh enabled).
says "ssh: command not found". BTW I am using, installed via iNdepenence.
Ok i managed to get ssh running i think, but will terminal be quit when i hit the home button?
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