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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 26, 2003
Can someone recommend a free and simple SSH client for Mac OSX Panther? On windows I always used putty. They dont have a mac version though. Putty is very simple and straightforward. I dont know of any for the mac platform. Google popped up but theirs runs only in the classic environment.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
In OSX run terminal. With in terminal, because its UN*X, SSH is built in. To use it, type 'ssh -l username'. You to learn all the flags you can sent, type 'man ssh'. Personally, I use SSH to work on stuff at school, but I perfer rsh for work, or anything that requires security.

Remember, anything Un*x you need a special program to use in windows, 99% of the time is built into OSX.

Aah....forgot all about the terminal. Do you know if its possible to boot the computer directly into terminal? (No GUI)
Originally posted by Fahd
Aah....forgot all about the terminal. Do you know if its possible to boot the computer directly into terminal? (No GUI)

Two ways: hold down cmnd-s at startup (for single user mode), or login as '>console', no password.
Originally posted by TEG
... Personally, I use SSH to work on stuff at school, but I perfer rsh for work, or anything that requires security...

Wait a second here. Rsh doesn't have encryption, so how is it better for security?
I don't suggest using the Command-S when starting up the computer, as that boots you up as root user. Its much safer to log in as >console at the login window. (You can create a user with that name to make life easier and not have to type it in.)
I have a broblem about console. I live in Finland and we have öÖäÄ in use. When i type them to console i only get ASCII characters like: \366, \326, \344, \304

I have been trying to change character encode type to latin1 and tried every ecoding type what i find but none of them works.

what could be wrong? Now i'm using macssh and there characters are what they supposed be but i really prefer console and openssh

Thanks for help

- jammu
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