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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 16, 2008
Can anyone link to a guide to how to SSH an iPhone 3G? And how to get the cool Leopard themes and such?

Can anyone link to a guide to how to SSH an iPhone 3G? And how to get the cool Leopard themes and such?


haha just kidding..

download cyberduck or any sort of ssh client.. youtube "how to ssh into your iphone".. once you are in..navigate to /library/theme.. download the themes you want and transfer it there.. then respring the phone and voila.

sorry that was brief..but this topic has been beaten to death.. a simple google or youtube should give you lots and lots of links.
okay. I have Cydia on my iPhone. I download a theme from there. How do I get it onto my iPhone? every time I reboot my phone or anything. It doesn't change the theme?
okay. I have Cydia on my iPhone. I download a theme from there. How do I get it onto my iPhone? every time I reboot my phone or anything. It doesn't change the theme?

download winterboard.. then the theme should up up in there..then check the theme.. and restart.

seriously... google and youtube are your best friends.
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