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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 24, 2008
Anyone know how to fix the issue where my SSH setting keeps turning itself on. I turning my phone on in the morning and turned off the SSH, at lunch i checked the battery had it had gone down considerably even though I had not used my phone (it was on standby). Checked the status of the phone and SSH had been switched on.

I am currently using SBSettings and iPhone firmware 3.0 (Jailbroken ofcourse ;)).

Any ideas on how this can be fixed, anyone experiencing this?

:apple: KrayzieKray :apple:
If you remove SSH completely, SBSettings will not show the SSH toggle.

As for openssh, i know if you restart your phone (hard reboot, not respring) SSH will switch on, anything other than that it shouldn't just turn on on its own. Make sure, in SBSettings, to hit 'refresh' to insure you have the most current state of openSSH before you toggle it.
I didnt think SSH being on drained battery? Only when it was active in transfering data?

This is correct. SSH doesn't actually run until something tries to connect to it. When you try to connect, launchd (which is always running) will detect it and open SSH.

I don't know what turning off SSH does. I assume it just tells launchd not to open SSH, or tells SSH not to accept connections. As long as you have changed your passwords, there isn't really any reason to turn SSH off.
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