Hi all.
I recently got my iphone updated to 2.1, using pwnagetool.
I then used cydia to install openssh.
Trouble is, I can't seem to get sshd running on the iphone.
First of all, I couldn't connect to the iphone via ssh.
I discovered that sshd wasn't running on the iphone.
I opened up a term on the phone and tried "sshd".
I got an error message saying that the absolute path was required to run sshd.
So, I did 'which sshd'. This returned the absolute path:
I tried running sshd by typing the whole path, but then got an error message saying that the host key couldn't be loaded.
How do I get shh and sshd running on my phone?
Its never been this much of a task on previous versions of openssh for the iphone.
I recently got my iphone updated to 2.1, using pwnagetool.
I then used cydia to install openssh.
Trouble is, I can't seem to get sshd running on the iphone.
First of all, I couldn't connect to the iphone via ssh.
I discovered that sshd wasn't running on the iphone.
I opened up a term on the phone and tried "sshd".
I got an error message saying that the absolute path was required to run sshd.
So, I did 'which sshd'. This returned the absolute path:
I tried running sshd by typing the whole path, but then got an error message saying that the host key couldn't be loaded.
How do I get shh and sshd running on my phone?
Its never been this much of a task on previous versions of openssh for the iphone.