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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 7, 2008
i am trying to use cyberduck to ssh into my iphone. i created an ad hoc network on my laptop and on my iphone the network is showing up. i wrote down the ip address and then opened cyberduck and clicked open connection, i chose sftp, and wrote in my ip address,22 was automatically selected. using root as username and alpine as password. but i haven't been able to connect. don't know what i am doing wrong. i have the data plan on my iphone but no internet on my laptop. i was using the ad hoc network i created on my laptop should this work? i did just recently update to 2.2.1, i remember this working. any help?
i had open ssh installed prior to updating to 2.2.1. i ran apt backup after i re-jailbroke, seemed like all my cracked apps were put back on my iphone. i looked in bosspreffs (don't know if open ssh would be in bosspreffs?) couldn't find open ssh in bosspreffs. i also looked in cydia under manage and packages and couldn't find open ssh. should I re-download it ? thanks for the help.
i had open ssh installed prior to updating to 2.2.1. i ran apt backup after i re-jailbroke, seemed like all my cracked apps were put back on my iphone. i looked in bosspreffs (don't know if open ssh would be in bosspreffs?) couldn't find open ssh in bosspreffs. i also looked in cydia under manage and packages and couldn't find open ssh. should I re-download it ? thanks for the help.

Not on here, thanks :)

But you will need to reinstall OpenSSH from Cydia, then turn it on in BossPrefs.
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