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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 11, 2009
I asked this question on youtube, and was told "no" by one dude, then "YES" by someone else who says they work on the SDK Dev Team.

Anyone here have any experience with this? Can I SSH into the IPhone to tweak system sounds etc WITHOUT jailbreaking??
You can't. That's what jailbreaking means- tweaking your phone in ways apple doesn't allow out of the box.

I know what jailbreaking is. I'm talking about bypassing the software and going in through SSH (the back way I guess) to mess with the phone's system files, the same way you'd mod files in Windows...
I know what jailbreaking is. I'm talking about bypassing the software and going in through SSH (the back way I guess) to mess with the phone's system files, the same way you'd mod files in Windows...

No. You can't SSH into something that doesn't an ssh server running. iPhone don't have sshd running. You have to jailbreak and install OpenSSH in order to be able to ssh into your phone.
No. You can't SSH into something that doesn't an ssh server running. iPhone don't have sshd running. You have to jailbreak and install OpenSSH in order to be able to ssh into your phone.

How about SSH via USB? Like DiskAid. That's what I use for SSH while jailbroken because my iPhone's WiFi isn't very reliable.
If you pay the $99 iPhone developer fee, I'm sure you could write an SSH server of some sort or hack into the phone.
If you pay the $99 iPhone developer fee, I'm sure you could write an SSH server of some sort or hack into the phone.

Yep, cause of course Apple would approve it! It would just fly through the approval process without any controversy whatsoever. :D
I know what jailbreaking is. I'm talking about bypassing the software and going in through SSH (the back way I guess) to mess with the phone's system files, the same way you'd mod files in Windows...

You keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means.

The short answer to your question is no.

Just JBing allows you to access the file system via USB, at least PhoneView works on my Mac. I do not have to install OpenSSH to do this.

To access it via Terminal or sFTP over WiFi requires OpenSSH.
How about SSH via USB? Like DiskAid. That's what I use for SSH while jailbroken because my iPhone's WiFi isn't very reliable.

You don't know what SSH is. Start by reading this from top to bottom, leaving nothing out:

Yep, cause of course Apple would approve it! It would just fly through the approval process without any controversy whatsoever. :D

Developers are able to test applications on their phones. Apple doesn't have to approve that. Apple only approves ones that developers wish to publish in the App Store.
Wow, seems I've been exposed as being in over my head. Far be it for me to assume that something is as simple as it looks :)
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