Two years ago I purchased a certificate from GoDaddy because I wanted to have my Leopard Server jabberd connect securely to other jabberd servers and a self-signed cert does not work. The GoDaddy cert never worked for various reasons (one being jabberd on Leopard Server is antique). I have now migrated to SLS and decided to have a second go at it. My GoDaddy SSL certificate is almost expired, so I decided to go for a 5-domain certificate which I bought and then wanted to use.
Following the instructions on GoDaddy's web site for Mac OS X Server 10.6 I got stuck. The help text omits many parts of the panels, and gives instructions that are incompatible with what I see. So, I enter a ticket that the help information is incorrect. I get an email with an answer pointing me to that same help information. I call the 24/7 help line and the agent tells me that they do not support third party servers, that the help information on the web site is a 'courtesy' and does not need to be correct, that he does not like Macs himself so he won't help me.
So, official communication from GoDaddy: we do not like Macs.
Refund time and exit GoDaddy.
But that brings me back to my original problem. I would like a cheap SSL certificate (this is not a commercial operation, just a family server) so I can connect securely to other jabberd servers (esp. Google). A self-signed certificate won't do that trick.
Anybody know a decent source that produces cheap certs that work on OS X 10.6 server?
(Repost from Apple forums because I am angry at Godaddy) and because there may be some knowledgeable people here not on Apple's forums)
Following the instructions on GoDaddy's web site for Mac OS X Server 10.6 I got stuck. The help text omits many parts of the panels, and gives instructions that are incompatible with what I see. So, I enter a ticket that the help information is incorrect. I get an email with an answer pointing me to that same help information. I call the 24/7 help line and the agent tells me that they do not support third party servers, that the help information on the web site is a 'courtesy' and does not need to be correct, that he does not like Macs himself so he won't help me.
So, official communication from GoDaddy: we do not like Macs.
Refund time and exit GoDaddy.
But that brings me back to my original problem. I would like a cheap SSL certificate (this is not a commercial operation, just a family server) so I can connect securely to other jabberd servers (esp. Google). A self-signed certificate won't do that trick.
Anybody know a decent source that produces cheap certs that work on OS X 10.6 server?
(Repost from Apple forums because I am angry at Godaddy) and because there may be some knowledgeable people here not on Apple's forums)