I, like everyone else, noticed a big difference in the stability if 2.1. I no longer had keyboard lag, contact opened up instantly, transition between pages are a lot smoother, and the response is instant to the touch. How is it for a jailbroken/unlocked 2.1? Did anyone else noticed any thing less than the normal version? If you have winterboard and theme installed, do you notice any slowdown? Thank you for the responses.
I jailbreaked 2.1 the day i got the 3g.
I pickd up 3g iphone on saturday, updated that night, and noticed everything was a whole lot faster, because after getting the phone i took it for a spin and was out at the mall, so i figured id give the 2.02 a try. and it worked fine but i noticed connection wise was a latent, 3g speeds were ok. And the phone crashed once on me and this was out the box for like 3 hours.
Got home and did the 2.1 upgrade and considerbly the phone ran a whole lot better. Completely like how the firmware upgrade says, everywhere im at i get five bars, and 3g is super fast now.
I then downloaded all files to jailbreak that saturday nigth and sunday after noon i jailbroke the iphone, and instantly lost 2 bars and 3g speeds were ok, cydia locked up 2 times on me. And the only thing i wanted from jailbreak was the option to customize and be able to browse anywhere on the phone through TC and SSH. O and the 10 sec tethering application. But stability wise it was like running on the un jailbroken 2.02 software, same hangs, slow and barely any bars.
That same night i restored her back to 2.1 and all the probs went away. So for the mean time ill wait until there is a better option to upgrade to 2.1 and jailbreak. Plus winterboard is on a hold til wenever the new updates come out.
Overall your better off on 2.1 Apple firmware and until the dev team posts a REAL method for windows, ill wait because the custom 2.1 firmware released with the win method is good itll jailbreak and cydia will work fine but IMO its just as laggy as the first 2.02 firmware.
My response is to just wait it out until therei s a sure fire way of jailbreaking the 2.1 im on the go 24/7 so i cant sacrifice performance for a few tweaks and apps. its ok i can tether the 3g iphone the long way. for the mean time that is.