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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 28, 2008
I, like everyone else, noticed a big difference in the stability if 2.1. I no longer had keyboard lag, contact opened up instantly, transition between pages are a lot smoother, and the response is instant to the touch. How is it for a jailbroken/unlocked 2.1? Did anyone else noticed any thing less than the normal version? If you have winterboard and theme installed, do you notice any slowdown? Thank you for the responses.
I, like everyone else, noticed a big difference in the stability if 2.1. I no longer had keyboard lag, contact opened up instantly, transition between pages are a lot smoother, and the response is instant to the touch. How is it for a jailbroken/unlocked 2.1? Did anyone else noticed any thing less than the normal version? If you have winterboard and theme installed, do you notice any slowdown? Thank you for the responses.

I jailbreaked 2.1 the day i got the 3g.

I pickd up 3g iphone on saturday, updated that night, and noticed everything was a whole lot faster, because after getting the phone i took it for a spin and was out at the mall, so i figured id give the 2.02 a try. and it worked fine but i noticed connection wise was a latent, 3g speeds were ok. And the phone crashed once on me and this was out the box for like 3 hours.

Got home and did the 2.1 upgrade and considerbly the phone ran a whole lot better. Completely like how the firmware upgrade says, everywhere im at i get five bars, and 3g is super fast now.

I then downloaded all files to jailbreak that saturday nigth and sunday after noon i jailbroke the iphone, and instantly lost 2 bars and 3g speeds were ok, cydia locked up 2 times on me. And the only thing i wanted from jailbreak was the option to customize and be able to browse anywhere on the phone through TC and SSH. O and the 10 sec tethering application. But stability wise it was like running on the un jailbroken 2.02 software, same hangs, slow and barely any bars.

That same night i restored her back to 2.1 and all the probs went away. So for the mean time ill wait until there is a better option to upgrade to 2.1 and jailbreak. Plus winterboard is on a hold til wenever the new updates come out.

Overall your better off on 2.1 Apple firmware and until the dev team posts a REAL method for windows, ill wait because the custom 2.1 firmware released with the win method is good itll jailbreak and cydia will work fine but IMO its just as laggy as the first 2.02 firmware.

My response is to just wait it out until therei s a sure fire way of jailbreaking the 2.1 im on the go 24/7 so i cant sacrifice performance for a few tweaks and apps. its ok i can tether the 3g iphone the long way. for the mean time that is.
I was jailbroken on 2.0.2 and now I'm jailbroken on 2.1. I didn't play much with 2.1 unjailbroken, but I can tell you for sure that 2.1 jailbroken is MUCH MUCH better than 2.0.2. I have 4-5 bars 3g everywhere that I only had 1-2 bars since launch day, and I'm even picking up 3G in places that I hadn't before.

I had cydia crash on me once, but it hasn't happened again. I think it was before cydia was updated to work better on 2.1. Everything has been so far so good for me on jb 2.1.
i used the early quickpwn method and it works great. winterboard and cydia already have updates to fix any problems with 2.1

my jailbroken phone is smooth and nothing has crashed. as far as themes are concerned, depending on the type of theme you use, it will take up more memory and thus slow down your phone.... so the performance of jailbroken phones will vary
it seems as though the experience varies from person to person. I wonder if I should update it to 2.0.2, jailbreak then update through itunes to 2.1 so I can unlock and not jailbreak. Stability is really important to me and im sure to most of us. The only reason why i want to jailbreak is so I can use the T zone service.
I never had 2.1 official, went straight for JB. Everything is fast now, even backups. My only problem is I've had 2 random reboots since Saturday. Haven't tracked down why, yet, but it's infrequent enough that I'm not *too* worried about it right now.
Then i concur with everyone else i mustve gotten whack software then.

Because the 2.1 firmware i dowloaded was through the forums. It was labled custom IPSW so im assuming someone pwned their iphone on the mac and then ported the firmware to windows and someone made instructions to do it.

Like i liked having a hacked iphone the only issue was that the bars that was annoying me i went form having 5 bars everywhere back to launch date of 2-3 bars everywhere.
BTW is there any other stock way of theming your iphone without jailbreaking through apple?

Like iknow for jail break you ahve winterboard but is there an application that works through legit iphones? or apple didnt enable that function?

Plus i checked up the new winterboard specs and according to what i read that thing will be nice alot of robust features and whats this i hear the home screen can be coded in HTML? becuase if thats the fact i can code some bad ass themes.

<-- webdesigner guru lol.
Then i concur with everyone else i mustve gotten whack software then.

Because the 2.1 firmware i dowloaded was through the forums. It was labled custom IPSW so im assuming someone pwned their iphone on the mac and then ported the firmware to windows and someone made instructions to do it.

Like i liked having a hacked iphone the only issue was that the bars that was annoying me i went form having 5 bars everywhere back to launch date of 2-3 bars everywhere.

Yep. Created my own ipsw on a Hackintosh and used iTunes on Vista to flash it.
i had downloaded a custom firmware for 2.1, seeing as im on windows :(.

and i am AMAZED this is working WAY better i get 3g where i hadn't before. i get it indoors, NO keyboard lagg at all, and NO lag in contacts.

only thing is i have an app called "installer" that i have no idea what is for haha.

but the jailbroken 2.1 works jsut as well as the non JB 2.1
I also jailbroke it the day I got it. 2.1 is awesome and 2.1 JB is EVEN BETTER. I could never ever go back to the regular firmware (unless of course I have to take it in to the apple store ;)
my reception seems worse, but we just had the wind left over from hurricane ike come through and there are 500 thousand people in the area without power. so my problems might be tower related. i cannot tell. if it is not better by next weekend when full power it restored to the area i'll try the official 2.1.
Regarding stability and "random reboots," it seems that when winterboard updates, it causes a "random reboot" about a minute afterward. I read this in it's description on cydia. Evidently Jay knows about it and is tracking down the problem. And come to think of it the one time I had a random reboot it WAS after updating (or installing?) winterboard. Then, last night, I update it again and sure enough, another random reboot. It's not a big deal as it only does it one time, right after the update.
A jailbroken iPhone with 2.1 firmware is the best phone on the planet.

I never found any of the previous firmware versions (jailbroken or not) to be as stable as when I had a 1.1.1 jailbroken iPhone.

The 2.1 jailbroken iPhone is the most stable I have experienced. In fact, 2.1 is so much better than previous firmware versions that Apple is really going to need to add some major new features in order for me to consider upgrading.

Hooray for the great independent developers that make quality intuitive jailbreak solutions so quickly after Apple's release of new firmware updates!
I don't know, I'm pretty disappointed in the jailbreaking process. Besides the fact that there really isn't many apps worth jailbreaking for, the phone has definitely been less stable, apps have been crashing more, cydia crashes pretty much every time I go into it and I have noticed the speed of the overall phone has decreased.

I'm going back to the legit 2.1.
Regarding stability and "random reboots," it seems that when winterboard updates, it causes a "random reboot" about a minute afterward. I read this in it's description on cydia. Evidently Jay knows about it and is tracking down the problem. And come to think of it the one time I had a random reboot it WAS after updating (or installing?) winterboard. Then, last night, I update it again and sure enough, another random reboot. It's not a big deal as it only does it one time, right after the update.

jailbroken 2.1 runs pretty smoothly on my phone right now. I am experiencing the same stability I had with the regular version. I haven't downloaded winterboard or any programs cause it still appear to be a bit unstable with the random reboots and such.
I have no had a single problem with my 2.1 jailbreak yet. I've spent more time on 2.1 jailbroken than not and am very very satisfied with the upgrade from 2.0.2.
Regarding stability and "random reboots," it seems that when winterboard updates, it causes a "random reboot" about a minute afterward. I read this in it's description on cydia. Evidently Jay knows about it and is tracking down the problem. And come to think of it the one time I had a random reboot it WAS after updating (or installing?) winterboard. Then, last night, I update it again and sure enough, another random reboot. It's not a big deal as it only does it one time, right after the update.

Come to think of it, this sort of falls into what happened with me. First reboot was a few minutes after installing Winterboard. Second reboot was about 3-4 hours after the Winterboard update that fixed the fonts, but I had only actually used the phone 2-3 minutes since the update, so perhaps the reboot from the Winterboard update didn't have time to actually happen until I started using the phone again. 2 updates.. 2 reboots.. none since. I'll chock that up to being the issue. Thanks!
hey there,

my first post - been reading this forum for over a year and big big thanks to all as I have got a 2.1 3g iphone and jailbroke it on quickpwn on sunday morning in about 10 mins. Nice and smooth - due to all the hints and tips!

anyways - my iphone was fine and then downloaded buuf2 theme for winterboard - and that has *almost* been the death of my iphone - music kept cutting out, email died, txting was terribly slow and such like. I just wondered if anyone has experienced this - I got buuf2 from modmyi source. Could this be the problem? Is there another place where I could get it from and would this help stability.

Since then removed the theme and it works perfect (again!)
hey there,

my first post - been reading this forum for over a year and big big thanks to all as I have got a 2.1 3g iphone and jailbroke it on quickpwn on sunday morning in about 10 mins. Nice and smooth - due to all the hints and tips!

anyways - my iphone was fine and then downloaded buuf2 theme for winterboard - and that has *almost* been the death of my iphone - music kept cutting out, email died, txting was terribly slow and such like. I just wondered if anyone has experienced this - I got buuf2 from modmyi source. Could this be the problem? Is there another place where I could get it from and would this help stability.

Since then removed the theme and it works perfect (again!)

at least you isolated the source of the problem.. it doesnt matter where you got the theme.. try to play around with it..install the theme again see if it happens still.. or..try a diff theme to see if its all themes and not just buuf2..
I'm unlocked and on 2.1 on an original iPhone from Oct 2007. Before I was on 2.0 unlocked, I never went to 2.0.1 or 2.0.2.

With my custom ipsw I never installed Installer or Cydia and kept the default Apple boot and recovery logos.

On 2.0 unlocked, the contacts was very laggy. I never had much keyboard lag in SMS or emails except on one day where it was unbearable and I had to reboot a couple of times. But my contact list took a good few seconds to become responsive - and that was with 150 contacts (multiple fields per contact).

Now I've only been on 2.1 unlocked for a day but the contact lag has completely gone. Everything is much faster now.

One thing, I can't send SMS's during a phone call. The sending progress bar doesn't complete until the phone call has ended. Anybody notice this??
hey there,

my first post - been reading this forum for over a year and big big thanks to all as I have got a 2.1 3g iphone and jailbroke it on quickpwn on sunday morning in about 10 mins. Nice and smooth - due to all the hints and tips!

anyways - my iphone was fine and then downloaded buuf2 theme for winterboard - and that has *almost* been the death of my iphone - music kept cutting out, email died, txting was terribly slow and such like. I just wondered if anyone has experienced this - I got buuf2 from modmyi source. Could this be the problem? Is there another place where I could get it from and would this help stability.

Since then removed the theme and it works perfect (again!)

Not sure on my source, but I use buuf2 with no problems (after you upgrade Winterboard to fix the gray fonts).
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