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Burger king has had free wifi for YEARS. Its about time the biggest coffee shop in the world has free wifi.
Burger king has had free wifi for YEARS. Its about time the biggest coffee shop in the world has free wifi.

I didn't know about BK, but my usual example is Chick Fil A, close enough.
So true.I went to starbucks 2 hours ago and I had to pay $10 and it took me 7 minutes and a call to AT&T to set-up the wi-fi.
So true.I went to starbucks 2 hours ago and I had to pay $10 and it took me 7 minutes and a call to AT&T to set-up the wi-fi.

I don't see why you would pay, unless you needed more than two hours. Just get a Starbucks card, put $2 on it and you get two hours free for that day. Then use your card to buy your coffee tomorrow and get another two hours free. Of course, this is a moot point when the free internet starts.
I have a Starbucks Gold card, and still have a hard time logging on. The last time I had to call AT&T, they couldn't figure it out, and had to get me online with some kind of coupon they put in. For some, the logging on process is arcane, which is probably one additional reason for going with one click.
wolfpackfan said:
Why didn't you just get a $10 Starbucks card and bought a cup of coffee and got the WiFi free?

Based on my experiences, they probably *are* talking about the card, it's still a pain in the ass and my login never works.

dissdnt the iPhone is no click, it just works.

Yeah, this thread only likely to be of interest to non 3G iPad owners. (or do the 3G ipads even work there now?)
I don't see why you would pay, unless you needed more than two hours. Just get a Starbucks card, put $2 on it and you get two hours free for that day. Then use your card to buy your coffee tomorrow and get another two hours free. Of course, this is a moot point when the free internet starts.

Good one.

But how does this affect those of us with 3g and the supposedly free access at Starbucks?

How does that work anyway?

Was it affected by the unlimited scandal?

And, on the limited plans, if you were DONE for the month...and having to turn 3g off to avoid more charges, are the HOTspots still HOT?

Free for me

...literally a couple hours ago. I got a prompt to connect to AT&T wireless and I didn't need a password. Good deal.

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