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Peter Franks

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 9, 2011
Why after starting up with an external drive just one time, has the start up chime on my internal now stopped working? External SSD is not plugged in now, but just using the MBP internal HDD normally 10.6.8, why did that happen, any idea?
An NVRAM reset should bring your boot chime back.
Does that work for you?

The NVRAM reset will reset your system volume level to default, so you would adjust that to your liking. The reset will ALSO clear your startup disk setting, so you would want to go to your Startup Disk pref pane, and select your normal boot drive there.
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Thanks, is the volume level, not just the volume in the bar up top?
Is there another volume setting on here I don't know about? Where is that, and will it be worth trying that before NVRAM?

The Start up Disk pref pane only showed the external once, it never showed it again, It only has the internal HDD in it now. Very strange. It had the external show up in it only once and then I had to start it with option key on start up, that's when chime disappeared for good on internal when external was unplugged

Thanks, I will try that, is there an actual control on here for volume of that chime, I just thought the speaker volume controls were all? But they never affect the start up chime. But since the boot of an external for the first time, it's affected the start up of the internal in length as well.
On some Mac models it uses the volume setting at the last shutdown. But it varies, and also depends on NVRAM. You'll have to experiment.
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System Preferences, then the Sound pane.
There are separate settings for sound effects, and system output volume.
Sound effects are also for system alert sounds, and is the tab where you can change the alert sound, if you want.
Pretty sure that Sound Effects also adjust the boot chime volume, but that might be the output volume...
You can experiment with that.
(The menubar volume control would be for the output volume only, and probably doesn't affect the boot chime volume.)
Now that I think about it for a moment, the sound effects volume control should also be the setting for the boot chime. I think this is not always the same on every Mac model. And, now that the boot chime seems to be going away, this discussion seems to be going to history.
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Thank you both, I will experiment with that when I'm back and see if the NVRAM fixes this
On a search prior to asking you, I did see articles that the chime is now removed from later models. If you have to boot from an external and press option after 'chime'. when do you press if there's no chime, Has that been discussed also?
Am I expecting too much from the 2011 MBP now?
No need to wait for the (now non-existent) chime to hold Option for the boot screen. (I would expect Option to work when holding the Option key immediately on startup. There are certain kinds of resets, and other keyboard shortcuts that might have mentioned the chime, but there are other ways of approaching that.
Not, IMHO, an important issue, as the chime is not really a primary feature, and never has been, just something that makes a Mac feel like a Mac. And, it's going away.

On newer Macs that have no boot chime, you would do the NVRAM reset by holding the Option-Command-P-R before seeing the Apple logo appear. Continue holding the keys until your Mac restarts - about 15 seconds.
Thanks. I wasn’t bothered about lack of chime, I just assumed something has gone wrong with OS as it has done it for 8 years. From using El Cap once as boot, it disappears. So whatever it was it interfered with internal HDD too. Does El Cap not have chime or is that separate issue and it’s hardware driven?
The chime is done by firmware, before it loads the OS from disk. Its volume is one of the parameters stored in NVRAM, which is why DeltaMac is suggesting resetting that. NVRAM is writable by the OS, so it's very possible a particular OS version could have changed that.
I've put the SSD in the MBP and it's not present on that OS either, but having some difficulty and may have to put old HDD back in temporarily till I can get Office sorted, I'm not sure why it's not letting me use the old key
The chime is done by firmware, before it loads the OS from disk. Its volume is one of the parameters stored in NVRAM, which is why DeltaMac is suggesting resetting that. NVRAM is writable by the OS, so it's very possible a particular OS version could have changed that.
Sounds like apple should offer a chime firmware update to enable it and allow users the option to switch it on or off
me personally i have been a mac user since 1984 the first 128k mac it was massave back in the day and like the Apple Logo the Chime is Iconic. APPLE Please Mr.Tim Cook Bring It Back as a option thank you.
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