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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
My Aperture library has become very bloated and a tad unorganised, and I have since moved to Lightroom. I still keep Aperture on my computer (as it'd probably be a waste of money to delete it) but my Aperture library is pretty big, as I imported my iPhoto library when I first got it.

In order to start over, would I just need to delete the Aperture Library from my Pictures folder, hold option(?) on opening Aperture and create a new library? Or is there something else I need to do?

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
So uh... I see... you want to go for the lighter Lightroom why? Sorry... I like Lightroom and it edits worlds better than Aperture (in some ways) but Aperture is the Panzer Tank of that type of software...

Either way... if you delete your Aperture library you can just relauch the app and it will create a new and empty one. In fact you don't have to even delete the old one. Just open the app, go to your prefs and select a new library location and it will make a new one for you.

Just to let you know... you are better off just reorganizing you library then starting over again from scratch... and switching to Lightroom (as I have tried, succeeded and switched back... big waste of cash) isn't going to help. If you didn't keep the library organized with Aperture or with some type of file structure you aren't going to keep it organized with LR.

The best thing that Apple took from LR was the referenced files way of organization. Since you have your library located outside of the app... you can reference it from any computer or link any file to Aperture. It also helps keep Aperture running nice and smooth... the only downside is that you have to backup the actual photos and files yourself, Aperture will only backup the previews and metadata.

Have fun... it took me a week to fix and reorganize 6000 images after switching from one app to another, then back again.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I use Lightroom now and my library is all nicely organised as I made the switch a few weeks ago. I just noticed that my Aperture library is a couple of GB in size and that's because not every file has been referenced, even though I do have every photo in a position to be referenced. So instead of moving all the photo's out of the library, I thought I'd start again as I don't want my iPhoto library in there anymore since it's pretty much only snapshots etc.
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