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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 23, 2003
Gravesend, United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

I've just been browsing through Ars Technica's review of the latest release of Aperture. Apart from thinking 'ooo, shiny', I also got to wondering about my own (crappy) photography.

I'm still on my first digital camera. It's a consumer-grade Sony from about 3 years ago. There's not a lot else to be said about it, apart from one thing. Digital photography got me to experiment. The theory behind it was all well and good, but the instant feedback of digital let me experiment and play with every setting I could find. I could figure out for myself what produced certain effects in a given environment and with a particular subject. I could re-shoot with different exposures, flash settings and shutter speeds.

I'm by no means a 'photographer', but at least I've escaped the mindset of "it's dark, so I need the flash on".

What I'm considering now is moving on to a better camera, with more than just the basic abilities. Now, I'm still no where near understanding exactly what this mythical 'new camera' should feature... I just want something I can explore a little bit more with.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what I should consider?



macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I'll second that

aaron.lee2006 said:
Basic: Canon Powershot A75
Advanced: You can get a Nikon D50 for about $750 CAN on ebay.

Ditto the above but skip eBay. Buy from a reputable dealer. I actually own and use both of the above cameras.

A good middle ground is the Olympus sp250. It has good optics, manual controls and a hot shoe for an external strobe. The strobe is impotant. The biggest thing one can do to improve past the "snapshot" level is to learn to control the light.

BTW if you want a Canon G3 I now where you can get one cheap. This was once the top of the line Canon P&S. Stil is a nice camera and at a lower price than anything above.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
I would say that it depends on the level that you want to go to. It may be better to get a used 35mm camera kit and go for what I think is called the "Guild" training.

Otherwise I think that a true DSLR may give you better tools to explore photography with.
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