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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 28, 2005
ok... so i'm really interested in photography... took a couple classes in hs and even a video production class... my question(s) is... whats a good camera to start with... do you think slr... i probably have the budget for an XT or likewise (whatever you guys recommend lol)... i think i have it narrowed down to a canon s80 (8mp) or the XT... lemme know what your views are... thanks

by the way, are the bundled packs on ebay for the XT's and lenses worth it or is it better to buy separate.. i know glass is whats important i just dont know what glass...


macrumors 68020
Seeing as it appears to be in your budget, if I were you I'd go for a D70s. Don't bother with extra lenses at the moment till you know a bit more what you want. One advantage of the D70s apart from it's ease of use and excellent fill flash capabilites is the plethora of old AI lenses that will fit on it.



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I have a D50 as well, and I recommend it. I'd also look into an Olympus, maybe an E-500 or E-330 or something. Oh, and Pentax.

Hell, lets throw Sony's Alpha into the mix. :D


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2003
Cincinnati, OH
I would check out a used 20D, I know you can get some good deals on them and it would be a better investment over the XT. I personally like Canon but Nikon's are just as good but it depends on which one you are going to invest in, because once you start with one company, you will end up sticking with them.


macrumors 68030
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
ipacmm said:
I would check out a used 20D, I know you can get some good deals on them and it would be a better investment over the XT. I personally like Canon but Nikon's are just as good but it depends on which one you are going to invest in, because once you start with one company, you will end up sticking with them.


I love my 20D and am quite glad I chose it after a lot of lost hair. You need to put in some time/research into the differences between the companies model (ie what they are doing with photography and what you want to do) because like ipacmm said, once you start buying a certain company, you aren't going anywhere. Lenses are just too expensive to jump the fence every time a sweet new body comes out.

XT, 20D, D50, D70s are all great cameras and worth looking at. You have to answer the question of slr for yourself I's more work (or can be) and more settings-control but the creativity is you, not the camera. Maybe you should pickup an old film slr (from the brand you select) and get some older lenses to see if you like things before dumping $1k+ on a digital body....just a thought.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
dogbone said:
Seeing as it appears to be in your budget, if I were you I'd go for a D70s. Don't bother with extra lenses at the moment till you know a bit more what you want. One advantage of the D70s apart from it's ease of use and excellent fill flash capabilites is the plethora of old AI lenses that will fit on it.


If budget is an issue Why the D70? The D50 would do better. It's basically the same camera and you can buy the D50 refurbished for $499. The D50 has the same fill flash, the same meter and CCD sensor. but lacks on demand grid lines in the view finder and and some wireless flash remote control.

The big thing is that if he buys a Nikon he will be buying Nikon lenses later whereas if he buys the XT he will be buying Canon lenses in the future. So look at each brand of (say) 70-200 f/2.8 zoom and each brand of (say) 10-20mm zoom and then buy the body that fits whichever lens you think you want. In the long run Lenses will be your bigest investment by far but the choise of low-cost entry-level bosdy will determin which lenes you CAN buy later.

Either way I would not recommedn a D70s over a D50 to someone who says price is important.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
T-Reese said:
....are the bundled packs on ebay for the XT's and lenses worth it or is it better to buy separate....

eBay? On all the things that are sold on-line for some reason the scammers all pick cameras. If you see an on-line price that is very low watch out. I would simply assumeitis a scam. Typically what they do a accept payment then call later to tell you it is out of stock but they have some "kit" that includes some crud you don't needand cots only $100 more. You argue and they hang up. Finally you try and cancal the order and they come back with a "restocking fee" or 20%. You get the idea.

There ARE good on-line dealers almost everyone agrees that B&H is one of the best. Beach Camera can sometimes beat them by $10 or so but if you find something at 25% discount over B&H at the very least do a "google" on the store and post inquerries about them on some photo forums. It's pretty wasy to find these scammers too. Google's targeted adds will point you right to them, you click through and it's a nice looking profesional web site that offeres tyo good to be true prices. But check it out carfully as there is a good change it really is to good to be true.

Back to the "kit lens" Both Canon and Nikon make lenses that are sometimes called the "kit lens". Typically these are low priced but optically good lenses but with low range specs (such as max aperture of f/5.6 and or lacking the lastest version of the AFS or USM focus motor) These lenses are likley a bargin in terms of bang per buck even if they do lack in "bang". Nikon's kit lens is the 18-55 and sells for only $120 but they offer a 17-55 f/2.8 for $1500. Canon does the same thing. The kit lenses are good deals because the camera maker is willing to loose money or break even on this lens so as to get you to buy the camera.
Once they sell you your fist SLR they know they have a customer for life. Take advantage of this. That is unless you know you want the pro-level fixed f/2.8 lens.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 28, 2005
thanks for all the quick replies... looks like i got a ton of research to do... after i pick a body (sounds like its down to one of the nikons or the XT) whats a good starting lens?...


macrumors 68030
Jan 25, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'm going to chime in and recommend what I usually recommend in this situation. Even though you've taken a class in the past, you'll probably need some time to freshen up your skills. This is the perfect time to play around with a lens like the kit lens (whether Nikon or Canon). The kit lens lets you get used to the camera and save up money for some higher grade glass.

Also, once you've played around a little, you can open up the get info window in iPhoto and see the focal length of the shots you have the greatest affinity for. This infomation will help you pick your next lens(es). For example, if you find you are always shooting from 40-55mm on the 18-55mm kit lens, you probably don't need to run out at get a lens in the 16-35mm range, but would be better served by one in the 24-70mm range.

Good luck.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2006
Laguna Niguel, CA
I am a canon user, i will be a canon user long into the forseeable future. i use their Professional gear and i have a lot invested into it financially.

I would HIGHLY recommend the Canon, the rebel xt really is a great beginners camera, you really dont need more than that right now, it will just confuse you. yes the 20D can be had for amazing prices, but right now that is more than you need. worry about upgrading later on.

now, if price is the only factor and you want to save the most money, the Nikon D50 kit really would be a winner for you then, yes i am biased towards canon simply because i know their system and use their products, but dont take that to mean i dislike nikon, I think nikon makes a great camera, i even thought about switching a few times.

You would do well to browse the fred miranda forums ( Here ) you will find more information then you even know what to do with! haha.

as far as other brands, sure you could get a pentax, or an olympus, but you need to think about the long run. pentax has yet to provide any decent professional grade camera, olympus is just now coming back into the game and may or may not release a new version of the E-1

and sony.. .well i wouldnt touch that camera with a barge pole. and i advise you to avoid that system until it has had some serious real world testing.

stick with what works. and right now. that is Canon and Nikon.
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