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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 24, 2021
Hello everyone,
I am new to the forum, but I am trying to describe my problem as good as I can.

I am running macOS Catalina 10.15.7 on an unsupported mac. Specifically, on a mac with the following specifications.
Modelname: MacBook Pro
Model-Identification: MacBookPro5,3
Processortype: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processorspeed: 2,66 GHz
Number of processors: 1
Number of kernels: 2
L2-Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 8 GB
Boot-ROM-Version: MBP53.00AC.B03
SMC-Version (System): 1.48f2

Now, I am trying to run Stata 17. Everything installed just fine, but when I am opening Stata it opens for just 1 second and then closes again.
The system requirements written by Stata are:

Stata 17 requirements
• Mac with Apple Silicon or Intel processor (Core i3 or better)
• Screen resolution of 1280 x 800 or greater
• Internet connection to use Stata’s Internet functionality
• macOS 10.12 or later
• 2 GB of available disk space
• Adobe Reader to view Stata’s PDF documentation (see for more information)

Everything is fulfilled, except the first point Mac with Apple Silicon or Intel processor (Core i3 or better) which is somewhat fulfilled. To be specific, my MacBook has an intel processor, however, not a Core i3 or better, but an Intel Core 2 Duo.

First question: does it matter that I have an Intel Core 2 Duo and not a Core i3, or did Stata just write this since I could imagine that every mac being able to run macOS 10.12 already has a Core i3 or better?

Out of curiosity I had a look at some output of the console. Unfortunately, it does not help me since I do not have enough knowledge about software.

The output of the system.log when opening Stata is:

Nov 24 10:56:37 Manuels-MacBook-Pro[1] ([1037]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[85]
Nov 24 10:56:37 Manuels-MacBook-Pro[1] ([1035]): Service exited due to SIGKILL | sent by mds[85]
Nov 24 10:56:38 Manuels-MacBook-Pro[1] (com.stata.stata17.18248[1042]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1

Does this help in any way?

The output in the console of the whole machine when only filtering for warning messages is:

fehler 10:59:40.075567+0100 diagnostics_agent Invalid receipt [0 bytes]
fehler 10:59:40.971102+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:40.972103+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:40.973400+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:40.974342+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.053639+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.054666+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.055901+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.056847+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.059847+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.060858+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.062109+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.063026+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.267513+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.268944+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.288922+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.290069+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.291515+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.292602+0100 WindowServer [ERROR] - Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: 0x41dc9d00
fehler 10:59:41.332710+0100 tccd failed to get text offset for /Applications/Stata/[1049]: (#3) No such process
fehler 10:59:41.332784+0100 tccd internal_TCCCreateDesignatedRequirementIdentityFromMessage: Refusing TCCCreateDesignatedRequirementIdentityFromAuditToken: unable to get SDK version of binary,
fehler 10:59:41.396517+0100 ContextStoreAgent Unhandled notification: <private>
fehler 10:59:41.419086+0100 Dock Error processing AppleEvent, err=-1708
fehler 11:00:04.703285+0100 mdworker_shared All kCFPreferencesCurrentUser domains in this process will be volatile, because homeDirPath starts with /var/empty

NOTE: fehler = error!

I am not 100% sure if every line is connected to the Stata problem, but when I erase all logs and then open Stata, I receive these logs.

So, my final question: is there any way to get Stata 17 up and running?

Any help would be much appreciated and if anything is unclear I am very much willing to provide more details on this issue!

Thank you
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