What's wrong with your old Steelcase LEAP?
Mine is still going strong - bought around 2000, leather Coach Edition. I had to replace the arms - any LEAP this old will have to have the arms replaced, as the original was a flawed design with some foam that disintegrates. The replacements are fairly costly but a one-time purchase as they changed the design. Do NOT buy new old stock on eBay - just get the new-design replacement arms directly from SteelCase.
It seems they used a different foam in the seat and back, as I have had no trouble with those.
The leather is just fine, BTW. I suppose, though, Coach Edition has a lot to do with that, as I recall the stock leather wasn't great.
I also replaced the wheels with proper natural rubber wheels when I moved from a place with carpeting to one with a laminate floor. I'll just stick a plug for castercity.com here, they were really helpful!
I can't imagine why I would want to replace it.
The Gesture just looks like a "modernized" LEAP. Maybe they actually made some improvements to ergonomics. Frankly, though, the style looks like it could become quickly dated. Maybe that is the idea - these things are just made so well that it is a probably getting customers to replace them!