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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 6, 2008
Haha, notice the ressemblance ...

Steve Jobs - a long time ago ...


Microsoft MSN advertisement - today


Coincidence or on purpose? :)
Hmm... Microsoft is at it again!
Maybe they're trying to make Steve Jobs look like a hypocrite since he's the head of Apple and it shows him on a Microsoft computer.
OR maybe they're just screwing with us. DX
Hmm... Microsoft is at it again!
Maybe they're trying to make Steve Jobs look like a hypocrite since he's the head of Apple and it shows him on a Microsoft computer.
OR maybe they're just screwing with us. DX

I think he's using a TiBook in that picture. :D
Hmm... Microsoft is at it again!
Maybe they're trying to make Steve Jobs look like a hypocrite since he's the head of Apple and it shows him on a Microsoft computer. ...
I think that Apple Ink is closer to what actually is going on here. Microsoft does not use the same ad agency as Apple. However, it is likely that Microsoft's ad agency uses Macs and likes them. This is not the first time that something like this had happened.

A few years ago, Microsoft's own website featured an ad that showed an employee merrily working away at what was clearly a Mac. A Mac user working on the Microsoft account would get a kick out of it, Microsoft wouldn't care, and a Windows user would be none the wiser. Something like that is probably going on with the Steve Jobs lookalike. It is likely that an ad agency employee working on the Microsoft account gave a silent tribute to Steve Jobs.
Yes..... thats really what its about!
I mean you're bound to find a lot of die hard Mac fan but a "die hard" Msft fan???

And this is actually pretty common! Remember "Jim Allchin" from an Apple Keynote....... SJ said he was a Msft employee and would shift to Mac the day he retires..... and something about Apple stores in Seattle!
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