A friend of mine doesn't believe Steve Jobs is a successful business man because he created the biggest mistake ever by letting Microsoft take over the industry and take away so much money and market share from Apple. I was boasting about how Steve Jobs is the best business man in the world while Steve Ballmer just runs around screaming and he claimed that the 1 mistake Steve Jobs made caused him to lose over $3B in profits every year. Help in combating his argument?
This question is replete with ignorance of historyand current events.
Prior to the IBM PC, there were many personal computer manufacturers and a few large ones. However, there was no dominant manufacturer. IBM became dominant because businesses purchased IBM PCs in carload lots. Microsoft gained its dominance by supplying the primary OS for the IBM PC. Microsoft entered into this agreement even though it did not have a product to sell. Microsoft duped Seattle Microsystems out of its Q-DOS which it rechristened PC-DOS/MS-DOS. The other Microsoft victim in this story was Intergalactic Digital Research and its CEO, Gary Kildall, whose CP/M was the inspiration for Q-DOS. Apple was not in the conversation.
Windows became dominant by following-on from MS-DOS. IBM went on to become another victim when Microsoft double-crossed it with MS/PC-OS/2.
Steve Jobs and Apple, Inc. are successful by any measure. As has already been pointed out, Steve Jobs is a billionaire. His computer company is only one of two pioneering personal computer companies to survive to this day. Such stalwarts as Tandy-Radio Shack, IBM, Texas Instruments, and Commodore are long gone.
A review of the business section of today's newspaper reveals that Microsoft is having to reduce its workforce. Apple is not only successful; it is ascendant.