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macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 6, 2006
Now that Steve isn't likely to answer for some time, one of the things he had prepared before stepping down was a significant change to Mobile Me, making it much better.

When Steve Jobs says "much better", I would expect that something pretty great is going to happen with this service.

What do you think it will be?
They could make iDisk not suck, for one. More like Dropbox, have it reside on your laptop so it doesn't take forever to go through a few folders.
I hate to be the cynic but if the .Mac > MobileMe "transition" (more like debacle if you ask me) in July '08 was any indicator of what Apple sees as "improvement," I wouldn't hold my breath.

I was a fan and big supporter of MobileMe until two days ago. I'm gently switching everything to Dropbox and back to Yahoo. It took me less than an 5min to get my Dropbox account up and running again, and 2hrs to upload my data (2Mbps upstream). LAN Sync = Killer Feature, btw.

My subscription is up in April and I am not planning on renewing, especially since "Find my iPhone" is now free.

Apple, I love your products, but MobileMe is your Achilles heel. It is truly the "Vista" of Apple's products.
Apple, I love your products, but MobileMe is your Achilles heel. It is truly the "Vista" of Apple's products.

Personally, I think the Achilles is Ping...

If Apple wants it to be embraced, MobileMe's got to be free. Or at least have both a free/not-free option. Dropbox is doing just fine with this approach. Google Docs + Dropbox does almost everything MobileMe gives you -- albeit not as pretty sometimes.

Cloud syncing seems to be the big push with Apple's new datacenter though.
those of you who switched FROM do you sync contacts? Thats really the only part of this I really like
those of you who switched FROM do you sync contacts? Thats really the only part of this I really like

Google Sync does OTA contact syncing via Exchange (ActiveSync).

Personally, I just do it the old fashioned way via iTunes now. It's not a big deal because my contacts don't change daily, sometimes even weekly. As for Calendars and Notes, those all will sync OTA with Google Sync (Exchange ActiveSync) or Yahoo (iOS 4) as well. Each support CalDAV for iCal as well.

I have a Gmail account but I use Yahoo instead--just personal taste is all.
MobileMe calendar beta today

Hi, I've been looking here all day for someone to write something about that new beta calendar that was in MobileMe today. :confused:

I'm pretty sure that I did the beta in the summer and this was a new one today. Did anyone else see it? I don't really like it. :-(
Hopefully it will be free. Doesn't Apple have like $60 billion in cash reserves? They could afford to give it out free.
The Mail function inside of MobileMe could use a change, iDisk needs work, and gallery could be much better. Also, it's a paid service, they should add some features that are really worth paying for. Right now I basically have it for the contacts syncing with the iPhone.
I use it because of the pretty integration. I love having my calendars, files, contacts and emails synced between the web,mbp and iphone. I know it can be done free using google services and dropbox but i love the osx integration, it's all there... if it was a monthly or quarterly fee i probably wouldnt do it, but one payment a year then you can forget about it is not so bad.

I would love to see some updated.
Hi, I've been looking here all day for someone to write something about that new beta calendar that was in MobileMe today. :confused:

I'm pretty sure that I did the beta in the summer and this was a new one today. Did anyone else see it? I don't really like it. :-(

I didn't get one. What kind of changes?
Hi, I've been looking here all day for someone to write something about that new beta calendar that was in MobileMe today. :confused:

I'm pretty sure that I did the beta in the summer and this was a new one today. Did anyone else see it? I don't really like it. :-(

MM calendar was in beta last summer then was rolled out to everybody in October. What change are you seeing since then?

The big change is the calendar moved to CalDAV, which exposes the API to outside devs. For example I can now access iCal tasks (to do items) on my iPhone OTA with an app called BusyToDo, and that was not possible before.
MM calendar was in beta last summer then was rolled out to everybody in October. What change are you seeing since then?

The big change is the calendar moved to CalDAV, which exposes the API to outside devs. For example I can now access iCal tasks (to do items) on my iPhone OTA with an app called BusyToDo, and that was not possible before.

I'm going to try to post a pic of my new month view. It now KIND OF looks like my iPad, but there are small white triangles, for "more", in the lower right corners of the individual day boxes. And, everything is smushed together. The month view looks very cluttered to me now.

Also, the individual day view has half of the left part of the screen obstructed by a HUGE day description and a month layout.

It definitely was not like this on Sunday and I did do the Beta last summer.
I find it harder and harder to renew every year. I do like the mostly seamless syncing, but it is hard to justify paying over 50$ for that.
The biggest problem I have with MobileMe is the (lack of) customer service and reliability.

My iDisk was corrupted and their service people fumbled it for several days, it is still corrupted. They e-mailed me several days after my initial contact and had no idea what I was contacting them about. I had to re-explain everything and two days later, I got an e-mail response that said they would have to re-submit it to their engineering people. They fumbled the entire thing.

MobileMe support wouldn't do anything unless I e-mailed them some sensitive data (name, date of birth, last 4 digits of credit card, security question) and I refused--I asked for someone to call me and I would verify that information rather than over an unsecured medium (e-mail) and was refused.

Nice going Apple.
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