I just connect my MacBook Pro and my AppleTV via ethernet to a blazingly fast internet connect. Before, wirelessly on G it sucked, stuttering and buffering all the time. I was watching a 720p encode of We Own The Night, and at odd times throughout the movie, it just stopped played, and rebuffered (This is wired) and by the end, it compeletely froze up on us. I am so close to returning this thing, as I just cannot make the streaming stuff work... For you guys out there streaming HD (High definition mainly, b/c standard def works fine) video, please tell me how you do it. tricks you do to make it smooth, or settings adjusted. I am encoding most of my stuff via VisualHub, AppleTV settings, just 2 pass though. Most files are about 3.69gb... Thanks guys, and please help, I'm ripping my hair out...