I found kinda good deal at Apple's refurbished store.
They offer a G5 iMac (the 1.9 GHz model with x600 gfx), 512 MB Ram, 160 GB S-ATA, BT, AP, SuperDrive and whatever more for 870 Euros. If you compare that to the price of the new Intel iMacs it seems like you can save a lot of money. My question now? Do you guys think I should spend a bit more to buy the Intel model or is the G5 still fine for the next years? To be honest, I doubt that the Intel move is such a big leap but, to be honest, don't know a lot about it. Any suggestions.... And what about all that memrom rumors? What's the difference between Core Duo and Memrom?
They offer a G5 iMac (the 1.9 GHz model with x600 gfx), 512 MB Ram, 160 GB S-ATA, BT, AP, SuperDrive and whatever more for 870 Euros. If you compare that to the price of the new Intel iMacs it seems like you can save a lot of money. My question now? Do you guys think I should spend a bit more to buy the Intel model or is the G5 still fine for the next years? To be honest, I doubt that the Intel move is such a big leap but, to be honest, don't know a lot about it. Any suggestions.... And what about all that memrom rumors? What's the difference between Core Duo and Memrom?