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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 20, 2004
Germany, Europe, World
I found kinda good deal at Apple's refurbished store.
They offer a G5 iMac (the 1.9 GHz model with x600 gfx), 512 MB Ram, 160 GB S-ATA, BT, AP, SuperDrive and whatever more for 870 Euros. If you compare that to the price of the new Intel iMacs it seems like you can save a lot of money. My question now? Do you guys think I should spend a bit more to buy the Intel model or is the G5 still fine for the next years? To be honest, I doubt that the Intel move is such a big leap but, to be honest, don't know a lot about it. Any suggestions.... And what about all that memrom rumors? What's the difference between Core Duo and Memrom?
I guess it's gonna be mostly office, photoshop and iApps. But playing one of these sweet windows games sometime would be nice. But I'm not sure if I want to pay 500 more just for the ability to run some games SOMETIME. I mean, 500 € is almost a Playstation 3 :)
P.S.: Forgot to mention, it's the 17" version
Well, the only problem I see with getting a PPC Mac now is that if you want to upgrade some software further down the track, you might be hindered or even unable to because of the architecture. However, all the current versions of the apps you've mentioned will run perfectly on the G5. :)
craigatkinson said:
If you really don't need to install Windows just get the G5. I am using the g5 20" right now and I love it. It's perfect.
Completely agree.

Microsoft Office works better on the iMac G5.

VPC will not work on the new Intel iMacs until it's updated.

As craigatkinson stated, unless you really need to use Windows, I would go ahead with an iMac G5. And if you have one or two Windows apps that you need to use, VPC works okay for the occasional use.
I wouldn't even worry about the architecture at this point. Any upgrades you CAN do on the iMac are independent of the processor (i.e.: RAM & hard drive).

I got the 20" G5 refurb because it runs the Adobe apps natively, instead of under Rosetta. Even when they come out with a Universal CS, my machine will still be running great (it won't blow up), plus I'll still be able to run Classic if necessary.

jogo23 said:
What's the difference between Core Duo and Memrom?

Core Duo is the name for Intel's dual core range at the moment. Merom is a mobile processor within the Core Duo 2 range and that will be coming out around August. The first Core Duo 2 processor to come out is nicknamed Conroe, and that's a desktop processor coming out on the 14th of July I believe (As they have brought forward the launch).

Conroe will go in iMacs and Merom will go in the MacBook Pros, and eventually in MacBooks.

Hope that clears up your question - I think my information is correct...
I agree with everyone else, although I have to reflect on the injustices of exchange rates... €870 is a LOT compared to a reasonable US price for that computer (probably $870 would be fair here).... But I agree completely with the logic that, at a reasonable price, this computer will service you excellently. I have the Rev. B iMac G5 / 17" (no iSight) and I've been VERY happy with it. :)
I would emphatically suggest getting an iMac G5. The only reason i can see myself NOT using it for the next 2-3 years, is if Apple/other developers stop supporting the PPC architecture. But if they do, just imagine how many people they would be angering :rolleyes:
Rare said:
Core Duo is the name for Intel's dual core range at the moment. Merom is a mobile processor within the Core Duo 2 range and that will be coming out around August. The first Core Duo 2 processor to come out is nicknamed Conroe, and that's a desktop processor coming out on the 14th of July I believe (As they have brought forward the launch).

Conroe will go in iMacs and Merom will go in the MacBook Pros, and eventually in MacBooks.

Hope that clears up your question - I think my information is correct...


Core duo is correct.
Merom is a Core 2 Duo processor, otherwise correct/
The first Core 2 Duo processor to come out is nicknamed Woodcrest, and came out about 2 weeks ago.
Merom may end up in the iMacs, otherwise correct.

Pretty good overall. I'm just in a correcting mood right now.
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