Please try from your iPhone (on EDGE) - this is our Alpha release
Get the Onion Radio News, Economist, CNN, NPR, and other great audio packaged as playlists for great listening on your way to work.
We dynamically process the audio so that each new episode plays at 32 kbps (and still sound good!). Also, quicktime should play the audio files in a playlist in sequence without stopping.
Please give us your feedback, suggestions, etc. - anything we could do to improve the experience. Thanks!
Get the Onion Radio News, Economist, CNN, NPR, and other great audio packaged as playlists for great listening on your way to work.
We dynamically process the audio so that each new episode plays at 32 kbps (and still sound good!). Also, quicktime should play the audio files in a playlist in sequence without stopping.
Please give us your feedback, suggestions, etc. - anything we could do to improve the experience. Thanks!