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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 13, 2019
Hi Forum, my son got his airpods 2. generation stolen in school, now after 2 weeks, suddenly his iphone Connects with airpods from one of his classmates, the airpod name is of the clasmate though, question: does my sons Iphone automaticaly connects with his old airpods even though they now appear with another name?
I hope you get my pointe


macrumors 604
Sep 29, 2009
He stole it.

The AirPods were paired with your son's iPhone. If your son didn't "forget" the device, it'll reconnect to it when it's near.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 26, 2017
United States
Sounds like you found the thief. They’d only connect automatically to your son’s phone if they were still linked to his iCloud account. I’m assuming the classmate who stole them didn’t reset the AirPods but just renamed them and paired them manually to their phone. Does the original box that the AirPods came in have the serial number listed on the back? Because the AirPods will have the serial number under the lid of the case and you could check if they match.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2018
Philadelphia Suburbs
Aww people are mean. Hopefully if they were stolen you can figure out who did it and get them back. It must’ve made your son sad to find they were missing. Sorry to hear.
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