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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 14, 2005
'Ol Smokey, UK
hey guys, check this out...

A few days ago my girlfriend asked what that sliver box thing was on the floor, i told her it was my computer, my mac to be precise, and proceeded to show her a few things it could do (usual demo of expose and the like). suffice to say she wanted one (her laptop redefining what it means to be slow). Now people have said they've wanted a laptop like mine many times, but yesterday she asks me: "wana go apple store on saturday to pick up a mbp?", well i was shocked and envious, but obviously said i'd help her get started.
Anyway, i got to thinking, is it wise to be buying a mbp now, she doesn't technically need one, but wants one real bad (caught the mac-bug)! personally i'd stay away from a rev A, should i try and persuade her likewise (it seems wrong to turn away a potential switcher!), what would you suggest?
Explain to her the benefits of waiting for the rev-B, and how that situation works out.

That will also give her time to save some cash (doesn't sound like she needs to, but the extra time might help).
I've explained the pro's and cons, but she seems blinded by the whole situation, its great that her desire for a mac is that great, but when it clouds your judgement. are there actually any known problems with the mbp, or are my concerns unfounded?
student_trap said:
Anyway, i got to thinking, is it wise to be buying a mbp now, she doesn't technically need one, but wants one real bad (caught the mac-bug)! personally i'd stay away from a rev A, should i try and persuade her likewise (it seems wrong to turn away a potential switcher!), what would you suggest?

Since everybody is convinced that the MBP probably even isn't a revision A but an intermediate revision, I would really tell her to wait a little bit. At the moment I don't really see any benefits of buying a MBP: Native software is not yet available, and there will probably less problems with the next revision. As you said, she doesn't need it now, so stop her ;-) (there's even another reason for that: Do you want your girlfriend to have a better computer than yours? ;-))
"Do you want your girlfriend to have a better computer than yours? ;-)"

that is VERY true, its kind of unfair that within three days of seeing my mac she should put it to shame! surely after using her mbp my 12in powerbook will seems super slow!:(

P.S. is it wrong that a part of me wants her to get it soo i can use it:eek:
Ahh... I remember the days before I found MacRumors, when it was a simple thing to decide to purchase something and not worry that it will get better/be updated a day later.

If you've explained some of the cons to purchasing a rev A, and she still wants to buy it, run to that Apple Store! I'm guessing that since she's had an extremely slow computer, Rosetta (if she even needs to use it) won't look all that bad.

It's great that you want to help her make a smart purchase, but there's a pretty big benefit to actually HAVING a computer than to be constantly waiting for one.

I'm guessing Weg's right too, you're just jealous ;) I know I would be, in fact I am!
student_trap said:
"Do you want your girlfriend to have a better computer than yours? ;-)"

that is VERY true, its kind of unfair that within three days of seeing my mac she should put it to shame! surely after using her mbp my 12in powerbook will seems super slow!:(

Ah, you admitted it before I even posted it :D

student_trap said:
P.S. is it wrong that a part of me wants her to get it soo i can use it:eek:

Maybe she can't tell the difference between them...;)
a very cunning plan discoforce, i believe it would go something like this...

"the apple store had run out, but i managed to source this one especially for you, i even loaded it full of my music...that'll be £1500"

but i fear that i am, indeed, dreaming
Aside from not wanting your less techy gf to have a faster computer than you, you might consider what would be good from a completely neutral standpoint. Her computer "redefines slow" so it sounds like its time for an upgrade.. It sounds like she prefers the ease of use of X over windows so it would make sense for her to get a mac. She has a laptop now and probably wants to keep the portability that offers her (if any, I know many an old laptop that have retired to Desktop status by way of a very dead battery and the ensuing being chained to the wall plug).
So her choices in the laptop realm are the G4 laptops, which to be perfectly honest are feeling their years moreso than ever at this point, or the MBP. For the money, the G4 laptops simply do not deliver. I'm guessing this might have influenced the transition to intel. Maybe. Of course, the MBP is a rev A. Or maybe not even an A! Weg is saying that "everybody is convinced" its not even a rev A, what is it? What exactly is so bad about the MBP that makes it a beta-release machine? Does your girlfriend use Pro apps that are so desperately non native? Or does she just need a new computer that will run the internet and email and interface with a digital camera and ipod?
I was lucky: My wife opted for a Gateway notebook. No worries about jealousy for me!

I agree with Johnny: One or both of you should buy that MBP and enjoy it!
"Her computer "redefines slow" so it sounds like its time for an upgrade"

yeah its slow, i'm talking a good few minutes to open itunes, aside from the fact that the keys are falling off, resulting in her having to type without some letters.

"Does your girlfriend use Pro apps that are so desperately non native?"

nope, it'll be used for ilife, internet etc and also office (which i assume will be fast enough with rosetta?). before anyone suggests it though, she doesn't want an ibook...she doesn't like the way they "look". hmmmm:rolleyes:
student_trap said:
hey guys, check this out...

A few days ago my girlfriend asked what that sliver box thing was on the floor, i told her it was my computer, my mac to be precise, and proceeded to show her a few things it could do (usual demo of expose and the like). suffice to say she wanted one (her laptop redefining what it means to be slow). Now people have said they've wanted a laptop like mine many times, but yesterday she asks me: "wana go apple store on saturday to pick up a mbp?", well i was shocked and envious, but obviously said i'd help her get started.
Anyway, i got to thinking, is it wise to be buying a mbp now, she doesn't technically need one, but wants one real bad (caught the mac-bug)! personally i'd stay away from a rev A, should i try and persuade her likewise (it seems wrong to turn away a potential switcher!), what would you suggest?

Tell her to wait for the ibook intel. If she's anything like my girlfriend she really doesn't need all that raw power.

In addition, lots of girls like little "cute" things, well, at least all of the girlfriends' I've had.
student_trap said:
hey guys, check this out...

A few days ago my girlfriend asked what that sliver box thing was on the floor, i told her it was my computer, my mac to be precise, and proceeded to show her a few things it could do (usual demo of expose and the like). suffice to say she wanted one (her laptop redefining what it means to be slow). Now people have said they've wanted a laptop like mine many times, but yesterday she asks me: "wana go apple store on saturday to pick up a mbp?", well i was shocked and envious, but obviously said i'd help her get started.
Anyway, i got to thinking, is it wise to be buying a mbp now, she doesn't technically need one, but wants one real bad (caught the mac-bug)! personally i'd stay away from a rev A, should i try and persuade her likewise (it seems wrong to turn away a potential switcher!), what would you suggest?

They let you try the machine before you buy it, as in open a box to see if its working or if anything is wrong...if everything is okay...just go ahead and get one. My 'rev A' works great.
Hold on here... so this is a joke right? You don't want your GF to have a better computer than you? Alright so why she should get a MBP:

1) She has the money
2) She wants one (I could stop at this point...)
3) MBPs don't have any serious flaws that have showed up to date
4) All the apps that it sounds like she will run are pretty much native (iLife etc)
5)There is no point in waiting for an upgrade because the MBP will be overkill anyways
6) MBPs are awesome and come with everything she will probably need in the next 5 years (my buddies killed mine (see sig) in many photoshop tests (under rossetta))

Reasons not to get it:

1) might be overkill
2) 15" is pretty big?
3)... ummm... well.... I want one more than she does?

You should totally support this... it is an awesome deal and I am sure you will get many hours of play time with it... you can wait for the rev B. or when they have 64-bit CPUs or native photoshop or... insert dream here...

That is just my opinion obviously... maybe I am taking the post too seriously and this is just some humor :)
student_trap said:
nope, it'll be used for ilife, internet etc and also office (which i assume will be fast enough with rosetta?). before anyone suggests it though, she doesn't want an ibook...she doesn't like the way they "look". hmmmm:rolleyes:
That was exactly what I was about to suggest. Most girls find them "cute," I am very suprised. I was actually going to suggest a intel ibook (Macbook) when they are released, this would allow her time to to think it over and not be an impulse buyer.

But if she doesnt like the way they look, maybe the MBP is an option. Seems like an awful waste for her to be buying such a high end computer for the looks :p
I face a similar dilemma. First of all, I'd say let her get it. There are no major problems that have surfaced (so far) and she wants one.
On the other hand...
I am stalling my mom about purchasing an iMac. It doesn't seem fair that I had to wait five weeks for my MBP (due next monday!) when hers will ship in 24 hours. :D
So, in a nutshell, I know how you feel.
It boggles my mind how indecisive some people are. There is nothing wrong with a MPB. They're simply great.
I, also was going to suggest an intel version of an ibook but if if she doesn't like the ibook forget it. I say let her get the mbp and then hope the ibook replacement looks really good and tell her you'll buy her that one and trade for the mbp. Just express how much you need a pro machine whereas she just needs the basics! That would probably work with my girl since she always wants the latest thing out.
Sounds like somebody's a widdle jealous... ;)

But in all seriousness, I'm surprised she wants a MBP. As a woman, I love love love the 12"ers, but then again, I've alway been partial to smaller, more compact items (drive a MINI, ya know).

That said... mm, iSight, FrontRow, magsafe connector... :D

(And my first Apple purchase was a 12" PB but about a year later I got my 12" iBook and though I miss the way the PB looks, for my needs and uses, I love my iBook way more than the PB-- which I have since given to my sister.)
For fun, lets reverse your rolls?
If you didn't technically need a new Mac, would you want somebody to talk you out of it?
She is an individual, let her make her own decisions.

She can save a little more money if she waits to order one from Apple's store as a referb. Referbs are just fine, and worth the savings.
Koodauw said:
It boggles my mind how indecisive some people are. There is nothing wrong with a MPB. They're simply great.

Er... Insanely great, actually! :D

And to the OP, don't patronise her!

1. She fell in love with a powerbook, right? An iBook just ain't gonna cut it.

2. She called it an "MBP", that says to me that she's been researching & knows what she wants.

Face it, you've just given birth to a bouncing baby geekette!

Enjoy! :cool:
if it were me

student_trap said:
hey guys, check this out...

A few days ago my girlfriend asked what that sliver box thing was on the floor, i told her it was my computer, my mac to be precise, and proceeded to show her a few things it could do (usual demo of expose and the like). suffice to say she wanted one (her laptop redefining what it means to be slow). Now people have said they've wanted a laptop like mine many times, but yesterday she asks me: "wana go apple store on saturday to pick up a mbp?", well i was shocked and envious, but obviously said i'd help her get started.
Anyway, i got to thinking, is it wise to be buying a mbp now, she doesn't technically need one, but wants one real bad (caught the mac-bug)! personally i'd stay away from a rev A, should i try and persuade her likewise (it seems wrong to turn away a potential switcher!), what would you suggest?

i'd let her buy it. and if she wanted lessons, well, then I would put up a 'pay' scale for each lesson. personalized tutoring :)
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