Hi All.
I have been running windows networks for the past many years. Server 2012 with lots of windows machines. the school decided to buy 30 macbooks. have them running with profile manager on macserver with AD on server2012 for login authentication. mapped drives, homefolders and everything working fine so far, JUST ONE BIG problem. macbooks can see all the windows machines on the network and the associated shares in the finder. I managed to get a script that hides them, until you click show. Is there anyway i can hise them permanently? or something i can use on the profile manager on macserver to do this.
the current script I am testing is below. but when it runs it works but the pop up shows on the desktop of the mac, which i dont want to happen. running this script silently would help.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am not too clever with scripting on macs but will always give it a bash.
defaults write com.apple.sidebarlists networkbrowser -dict-add CustomListProperties
defaults write com.apple.sidebarlists systemitems -dict-add ShowServers -bool NO
defaults write com.apple.sidebarlists favorites -dict-add ShowServers -bool NO
defaults write com.apple.finder SidebarSharedSectionDisclosedState -bool NO
killall Finder
I have been running windows networks for the past many years. Server 2012 with lots of windows machines. the school decided to buy 30 macbooks. have them running with profile manager on macserver with AD on server2012 for login authentication. mapped drives, homefolders and everything working fine so far, JUST ONE BIG problem. macbooks can see all the windows machines on the network and the associated shares in the finder. I managed to get a script that hides them, until you click show. Is there anyway i can hise them permanently? or something i can use on the profile manager on macserver to do this.
the current script I am testing is below. but when it runs it works but the pop up shows on the desktop of the mac, which i dont want to happen. running this script silently would help.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am not too clever with scripting on macs but will always give it a bash.
defaults write com.apple.sidebarlists networkbrowser -dict-add CustomListProperties
defaults write com.apple.sidebarlists systemitems -dict-add ShowServers -bool NO
defaults write com.apple.sidebarlists favorites -dict-add ShowServers -bool NO
defaults write com.apple.finder SidebarSharedSectionDisclosedState -bool NO
killall Finder