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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2018
The Ether
Hi all.
So I had just recently bought the iPad Pro 10.5 inch, 512gb. Was just wondering a guesstimate on how many books I could put on. I saw a post a while ago about a 32gb iPod with maybe 600-1000 books. I have close to 467gb left. Almost all my music, but a lot in the cloud. I'm going to be goin on a trip soon, and would love to not only have some other movies downloaded before the trip, but also a lot of my books.
Thanks in advance.

Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
Like text books in the Books app, or audiobooks? 512 GB will hold every book you could ever read in your whole lifetime in "plain text" books. (For reference, looking at my ebook collection, it appears the average "text" book is about 2 MB. So 400 GB would hold about a quarter million books. The average "standard comic book" is about 20 MB, so about 25,000 comic books. Some of my bigger "art books" or "compilation comic books" are up to 200 MB, so 2,500 of those.

But, every ebook I own (~1500 total books, including some absolutely enormous role playing game rule books,) adds up to less than 10 GB.

Unless your vacation is a SpaceX trip to Mars, you'll fit more ebooks than you can possibly read during your vacation on that iPad.

For audiobooks, I have about 100 audiobooks totalling over two weeks of continuous playback (378 hours and change) that fits in 5 GB. Again, unless you're going to be wanting audiobooks for an entire trip to Mars and back, that iPad will hold more than you can possibly listen to on your vacation.

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
The average "standard comic book" is about 20 MB, so about 25,000 comic books. Some of my bigger "art books" or "compilation comic books" are up to 200 MB, so 2,500 of those.
My comic books (comiXology HD) have been averaging 50MB per 20-page issue.

That said, yeah, could easily fit most people's entire ebook (text) library.

Comics/graphic novels, maybe not so much but it should still be good for months worth of reading.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2018
The Ether
Like text books in the Books app, or audiobooks? 512 GB will hold every book you could ever read in your whole lifetime in "plain text" books. (For reference, looking at my ebook collection, it appears the average "text" book is about 2 MB. So 400 GB would hold about a quarter million books. The average "standard comic book" is about 20 MB, so about 25,000 comic books. Some of my bigger "art books" or "compilation comic books" are up to 200 MB, so 2,500 of those.

But, every ebook I own (~1500 total books, including some absolutely enormous role playing game rule books,) adds up to less than 10 GB.

Unless your vacation is a SpaceX trip to Mars, you'll fit more ebooks than you can possibly read during your vacation on that iPad.

For audiobooks, I have about 100 audiobooks totalling over two weeks of continuous playback (378 hours and change) that fits in 5 GB. Again, unless you're going to be wanting audiobooks for an entire trip to Mars and back, that iPad will hold more than you can possibly listen to on your vacation.

Thank you, yes, that's what we were trying to figure out. I think my husband did the math and it turned out to be about 30,000 plus books. Not sure I've read that much in my 51 years, LOL. I have a ton of old Steve Jackson and Ars Magicka RPG books that I've been dieing to get on the ipad to read again, and they are big, but I think this will be great for them also. That's great on the audiobooks. Mine right now that I have downloaded is only about 10, so I need to kick it up some more.
My comic books (comiXology HD) have been averaging 50MB per 20-page issue.

That said, yeah, could easily fit most people's entire ebook (text) library.

Comics/graphic novels, maybe not so much but it should still be good for months worth of reading.

Oh yeah, I didn't even think about some of the graphic novels I have. Thank you so much. That's a great idea. :)
I’ve got a 2500 book calibre library ... 4 gigs. You’ll be fine.
Oh wow, that's awesome. Now I need enough iTunes credits to get the ones I've had in my wish list forever.
A 2gb kindle paper white holds about 1,100 books, so if you allocate ~200gb to books, then you will have ~110,000 books.
If you read 1 book a day, it will take a little over 30 years to finish all these books.

Thank you. That's some crazy math. Thank all of you for helping on this question. There was a reason I bought the biggest size, now I know why.


macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
Unless your vacation is a SpaceX trip to Mars,
What a crazy vacation trip lol.

Back on point: I can easily fill my entire iTunes library in a 512 GB iPad with little to no room left for anything else and spends the following months to listen to every single song. I guess audiobooks are in a sillmilar situation but you can store more.

Long story short: just put whatever you want into that iPad and you will probably still have plenty of space left for tons of photos or whatnot.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2018
The Ether
What a crazy vacation trip lol.

Back on point: I can easily fill my entire iTunes library in a 512 GB iPad with little to no room left for anything else and spends the following months to listen to every single song. I guess audiobooks are in a sillmilar situation but you can store more.

Long story short: just put whatever you want into that iPad and you will probably still have plenty of space left for tons of photos or whatnot.
That’s one really good thing about the cloud and Music March. All of that can stay in the cloud. I think I have four days worth of music on my MacBook, but haven’t transfered a lot of iTunes yet. :)

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
As I said, measurable on paper.
Does it convert to an actual difference in user experience? Not that I've ever heard.
A bit faster when installing 1GB+ apps. Same for I/O bound video exports. Launching apps, web browsing, etc, no appreciable difference.

Honestly, I'd rather see Apple add more RAM and improve random 4K writes. The extra RAM would be far more useful for multitasking.
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macrumors 603
May 31, 2015
A bit faster when installing 1GB+ apps. Same for I/O bound video exports. Launching apps, web browsing, etc, no appreciable difference.

Honestly, I'd rather see Apple add more RAM and improve random 4K writes. The extra RAM would be far more useful for multitasking.

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