The Storage of my mac is full. I would like to know to get stats about the use of storage and how to clean it. Maybe stats about filet type(mp3s,...), date of the files, where are storage,....
I see that the great majority of the storage is Others(80%) and i would like to know more information
If you are looking at the storage overview in the "About this Mac" window then click on the "Manage" button. On that new screen each of the category types on the left hand side are clickable. That detailed view that opens up is sortable on attributes like date.
That isn't going to do super fine grained into esoteric file types but it is free.
Can use the some basic Unix tools at the command line in Terminal.
du -- displays disk usage statistics.
sort -- sorts the input.
so something like
du Documents | sort -r -n
would look at all the disk usages in your Documents folder. The output from 'du' is piped into sort. The sort will arrange the result of all of the files in your Documents folder by size (in reverse order; so biggest first). That is lots of stuff so :
du Documents | sort -r -n > Doc_sizes.txt
would put the results into a text file Doc_sizes.txt . You can point du at other directories. So ...
du ~ | sort -r -n > /tmp/My_Home_sizes.txt
would do your whole home directory and put the file into /tmp/ ( not in your home dir so doesn't get mixed in. ) . You should delete or move this out of /tmp/ when done.
If looking for large space hogging 'pig' files this will bubble them up to the top. Likewise for the directories that are holding them also.
If looking for specific stuff ( like pdf files ) . All the files ending in pdf that are in your Documents folder.
find Documents -name '*.pdf' | xargs du | sort -r -n > /tmp/My_pdf_sizes.txt
'find' can dig out files by date also, not just by name.
this isn't just simple looking at pretty pictures. But if have singular large files sucking up tons of room I won't be hard to find them.