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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 11, 2008

I have the new IPP 12.9. I use it with a Smart Cover. I don't have a back and I am not looking for one.

How best to store the iPad at home when not in use?

My options include:

Placing it on a smooth surface and not worrying.

Storing it in my SFbags Muzetto Leather carrying bag, which had a dedicated iPad Pro padded compartment (I use this for taking the IPP outside).

Getting the Apple leather sleeve (might not be necessary given the Muzetto)?

Other idea?

I have Incipio Feather case on the backside to protect it. Very light and feels nice. The case is actually for last gens 12.9. It blocks the microphone. No big. I drilled a couple small holes in and Siri hear's me just fine now.

I have a stand similar to this one to store and charge -- also keep my iPhone on it. I like to keep my iPads out when at home so I can grab when needed. (If you get a stand like this the 12.9 needs to go in the middle slot. It will tip over in the last slot.)
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Not interested in backs. A charging stand might be something to consider. Is there one with a Smart Connrctir and has anyone used it?
I usually just set mine iPad on a (coffee-, end-) table without cover or back. For me the screen is the only thing I don't want to get scratched and I use a glass screen protector for that.

Logitech has a charging Base for iPads, but it seems expensive for what it is. Though it might be what you're looking for.
I have a Smart Cover for my Mini 4 and always leave it at home (unless I'm traveling). I typically leave the iPad on my nightstand with the Smart Cover face down. That way only the back is exposed. It has worked rather well for me as I tend to baby my iDevices.
Not interested in backs. A charging stand might be something to consider. Is there one with a Smart Connrctir and has anyone used it?

No. The only SmartConnector devices around are the keyboard cases. Would be a nice accessory -- though not one I'd likely buy since I view accessories as money in the trash can and tend to only buy stuff cheap enough to be disposable.

Easy enough to pop in the lightning cable though with the iPad stored on the "dumb" stand since there is no "this side up" to insert. I have a separate set of cables for travel only so I don't have to disassemble anything.
if you do buy the logitech charger that charges using the smart connection be aware that this device does not support fast charging. if you hook the 30 watt usb c charger it still only charges at the defaut wattage. I read somewhere where they tested this extensively and using a higher watt charger with the logitech is pointless and doesnt work. Its too bad really but it must be a limitation the smart connector has that the lightening does not.
I place my iPads on the floor (carpet) in the gap between my bed and bedside table. I have them vertically upside down so as the charging cable in plugged in the top end.
If my husband didn't mind the room lighting up, I'd have an iPad stand on the bedside table and charge them in that, perhaps even with a dimmed clock displaying....but the room must be dark. lol
If you're worried about it getting scratched (and given that you created this thread), I'd say put a case on it.
Another thing you can do is get a skin for the back. Adds no bulk or weight and protects it from scratches. That's what I have and I never worry about placing it anywhere.

I have the new IPP 12.9. I use it with a Smart Cover. I don't have a back and I am not looking for one.

How best to store the iPad at home when not in use?

My options include:

Placing it on a smooth surface and not worrying.

Storing it in my SFbags Muzetto Leather carrying bag, which had a dedicated iPad Pro padded compartment (I use this for taking the IPP outside).

Getting the Apple leather sleeve (might not be necessary given the Muzetto)?

Other idea?


For $8 you can get one of these

Can't go wrong at that price and it gives you a little peace of mind.
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What I did was made a leather sleeve for half the price of the Apple one. Keep it in it when I’m not using it.
Not interested in backs. A charging stand might be something to consider. Is there one with a Smart Connrctir and has anyone used it?

Get the Logitech smart connector one linked earlier. I've had it for a few weeks and it's spectacular. The magnet that "grabs" it works really well. I keep it on the nightstand, and am able to easily attach it/detach it while I'm laying in bed.

The only thing is it charges kind of slow and doesn't work with fast charging - but really it's not an issue for me atleast, because the iPad (12.9) pretty much lives on it, and it's always 100% full battery when I take it off.
I keep them like this at home:

I don't like the Logitech (have 2), it just has one angle and it charges my 12.9 so incredible slow... it's about 5Watt.
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