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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 19, 2004
has anyone had any problems using the edirol ua-1x to get audio into the computer from a real insturment? all my recordings have a popping/clicking noise in the background which is not the metronome. while i record the meter doesn't clip and i've tried plugging the guitar straight into the edirol as well as going from an amp output and a mixer but they all give that background noise. also i've tried playing with the hi/low switch on the edirol but that doesn't do anything to help. my computer is a 600mhz i book with 640 ram running 10.2.8 if that helps in tracking down the problem. please help if you can.
It`s probably the USB interface. I`ve had problems with some USB interfaces, so I went for Firewire. No more problems.
Of course there can be a number of other things wrong, but my guess is that the interface just isn`t good enough for that computer. It might perform better on a faster computer, or maybe the edirol device itself is damaged.

Try to borrow a few other devises from freinds/a local retailer and try them out. You have a laptop, bring it to you music retailer, explain, let them help you, maybe they can figure it out for you?

Good luck
Difference in sample rates mb?

adxam said:
has anyone had any problems using the edirol ua-1x to get audio into the computer from a real insturment? all my recordings have a popping/clicking noise in the background which is not the metronome.

All the Edirol UA series (1A,1D, 1X) sample with 16-bit resolution. GarageBand accepts 24-bit resolution samples. You may be experiencing a sample 'out-of-sync' effect if there is a sample rate incompatibility.

Don't despair: I use an Edirol UA-1A and it works fine with GB.

You may need to check your system preferences and GB's preferences to ensure that your UA-1X is converting signals at an acceptable rate.

I only bring this up because this 'popping' effect has occured with me using ProTools, a 24-bit program trying to use my UA-1A (though usually ProTools just coughs up blood and says 'Dude: 16-bit input? No wei!' if a setting is incorrect.) Also, there have been complaints in the past about iMovie sound: Apparently, handicams sampling audio at a 12-bit resolution can cause editing sync problems, whereas 16-bit audio seems fine.

So who knows: maybe there's a ghost in the sample rate machine somewhere.

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