Hello altogether, I'm quite new here although I'm a regular reader of this forum.
I know it's a beta and I'm aware of the risks. Anyway, my iPhone 6s shows some odd behavior in the last three days. I've installed the newest beta right after its release and it was perfect and fluid (except the time bug) but now it's like iOS is suddenly falling apart. The camera freezes, apps open out of nowhere, QuickType has dementia, the Bluetooth connection works properly as long as you love dubstep, because it stutters. And my personal highlight: photo import destroyed my photos and the gallery app is forgetting the applied filters. I really consider a complete reinstall. It feels like in the Star Trek TNG episode 'Contagion' where the Enterprise has severe technical problems. (Sorry for the geek reference
I know it's a beta and I'm aware of the risks. Anyway, my iPhone 6s shows some odd behavior in the last three days. I've installed the newest beta right after its release and it was perfect and fluid (except the time bug) but now it's like iOS is suddenly falling apart. The camera freezes, apps open out of nowhere, QuickType has dementia, the Bluetooth connection works properly as long as you love dubstep, because it stutters. And my personal highlight: photo import destroyed my photos and the gallery app is forgetting the applied filters. I really consider a complete reinstall. It feels like in the Star Trek TNG episode 'Contagion' where the Enterprise has severe technical problems. (Sorry for the geek reference