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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 13, 2008
Hi everyone.

I recently jailbroke my iPhone 3G (2.1). My 'Installer' seems to be different from all the ones I see in tutorials. Every time I go on iClarified and try to do something from a tutorial, it never works because my 'Installer' is totally different.

Here's a screenshot of my one:

And here is a screenshot of the one from all tutorials:

Any ideas?

I stay away from Installer, and stick with Cydia, so I can't say for 100% certain, but I believe the one in the tutorial is 3.x, and the one that you have is 4.0 beta.
The second screenshot is from Installer 3.x for 1.x firmware. First screenshot is Installer 4.x for 2.x firmware.
There is no reason to use Installer anymore, Cydia is better supported. I don't even have Installer installed anymore.
Hmm. So how do I get rid of Installer?

And how do I do the things from the tutorials using Cydia, instead of Installer? It doesn't make sense to me..
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