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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 16, 2002
Hey All,

I decided that it was time to use pwngtool to go to 2.2.1 on my JB 3g. I followed the iClarified guide (I'm on OSX 10.5.5) After restoring using the correct pwnage file, when iTunes reboots the phone, I suddenly have several pages of apps with no icons, called Untitled. Clicking on any of them launches safari. If I delete all the icons, and then restore from the previous backup, they come back, and I am still missing several of my paid (legit) apps. I havent even tried appback yet, and I'm afraid to until I understand what's going on.

Anybody seen this? Any thoughts?

Hey All,

I decided that it was time to use pwngtool to go to 2.2.1 on my JB 3g. I followed the iClarified guide (I'm on OSX 10.5.5) After restoring using the correct pwnage file, when iTunes reboots the phone, I suddenly have several pages of apps with no icons, called Untitled. Clicking on any of them launches safari. If I delete all the icons, and then restore from the previous backup, they come back, and I am still missing several of my paid (legit) apps. I havent even tried appback yet, and I'm afraid to until I understand what's going on.

Anybody seen this? Any thoughts?


I know this sucks but I think your best bet is to rejailbreak and set the phone up as a new phone. Or you should first try to go into settings>general>reset>reset homescreen layout.
I know this sucks but I think your best bet is to rejailbreak and set the phone up as a new phone. Or you should first try to go into settings>general>reset>reset homescreen layout.

Won't that cause me to loose all my apps? Or do I misunderstand how the apps are stored?

No, Something is wrong with your springboard. You should try reset homescreen layout i mentioned, and see if that fixes the problem. Other wise you need to use pwnage tool and do a fresh jailbreak.

Sorry, I wasn't clear in my question. Won't setting it up as a new phone (rather than restoring from backup) cause me to loose all my apps?

I tried the reset, and that didn't work.. Maybe I should try with Qwkpawn, which is how I JB the first time.

Thanks for your help
Sorry, I wasn't clear in my question. Won't setting it up as a new phone (rather than restoring from backup) cause me to loose all my apps?

I tried the reset, and that didn't work.. Maybe I should try with Qwkpawn, which is how I JB the first time.

Thanks for your help

As long as you have the apps in your itunes then you can sync them back over even if you set it up as a new phone. But quickpwn sounds like a good idea too.
WOAAA! I just also noticed that I have NO SERVICE! Something got really messed up with pwnage tool. Quickpwn here I come! I'll report back in a bit.
I did before I updgraded to 2.2.1 uswing pwnage tool. Did I miss a step?

Aha, you upgraded the 2.2.1 and then jailbroke again, no restore? But then again, if you used Pwnage you should've done a restore.

Did you restore your backup from iTunes? If you had something like blank icons installed, they will return. The only way to rid of them is to totally uninstall the package.

The problem with no signal maybe due to you checking the 'Activate' box in PwnageTool.
Aha, you upgraded the 2.2.1 and then jailbroke again, no restore? But then again, if you used Pwnage you should've done a restore.

Did you restore your backup from iTunes? If you had something like blank icons installed, they will return. The only way to rid of them is to totally uninstall the package.

The problem with no signal maybe due to you checking the 'Activate' box in PwnageTool.

No, I used Pwnage to upgrade. I didn't use iTunes to upgrade. I then used the Opt+Restore button to select the pawnage tool generated ipsw. Then used itunes restore from last back up to try to get my apps back.

I did check the "Activate' button in pawnage tool. That's what the iClarified tutorial says to do. Is that wrong?

Downloading and trying Quckpwn

Thanks for you help
Well Quickpwn is having the same result. I think I need to follow the instructions in an earlier thread, and start over - that won't hose my apps, will it?
No, I used Pwnage to upgrade. I didn't use iTunes to upgrade. I then used the Opt+Restore button to select the pawnage tool generated ipsw. Then used itunes restore from last back up to try to get my apps back.

I did check the "Activate' button in pawnage tool. That's what the iClarified tutorial says to do. Is that wrong?

Downloading and trying Quckpwn

Thanks for you help

They probably said check that if you want to 'hacktivate' it, which is activating it without a legit SIM.

Just create a new Custom IPWS, no need for QuickPwn really :p

Well Quickpwn is having the same result. I think I need to follow the instructions in an earlier thread, and start over - that won't hose my apps, will it?

If you have the apps synced with iTunes you wont lose them, unless I'm misunderstanding you...
More weirdness

Well, did a full restore to default. Now I do have service, but still the wacked out untitled apps.. I notice that in my possible backups, I only have the 3 from this afternoon and one from in December! I know I backed up on Tuesday, but that one doesn't show!

Should I try a DFU + restore?

So, I did a DFU+restore, and restored from the early yesterday backup and still had all the "untitled" apps. Did another DFU+restore and restored from the December backup (where did all the ones between go?) and no "Untitled" apps.

Updated to 2.2.1 using itunes. Used QuickPwn to JB - Bam - "untitled" apps back again. Used AptBackup to restore my JB apps - still have gthe "untitled" apps. If I delete the untitled apps, they comeback the next time that I respring. If I just move them to a last 2 pages, they stay there.

Does anyone have any idea about what could be going on?

Should I start a new thread for this?

Go in Cydia and check each and every installed package. I'm dead sure you'll have one that includes some blank apps, uninstall it.

I'm not entirely sure what to look for, but when I go into the installed list in Cydia, I don't see anything that is showing obviously as a blank app. What would it look like, or do I need to look somewhere inside of each package?

Have you tried setting it up as a new phone after a fresh jailbreak?

No, I haven't. I've got some pictures that I need to try to pull off first. Also, where is the AptBackup info kept, so that I could pull that off and reinstall later (to get all my JB apps back easily)?

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