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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 23, 2005
toronto canada
i have 2 processes in activity monitor that i have never seen before that are using all making my fans go insane becaseu they are using all the resources. any idea what these are or how i can stop them?

p.s. i tried force quiting them and restarting and that did nothign i'm moving on to the usual: repair permissions etc. and will edit with new info

EDIT: my bad forgot to name them

the processes names are wcg_faah_autodoc, and wcg_hdc_tma_5.06
You can give us an entire list by using the Activity Monitor and saving the data as a Process list. You can then cut and paste the text.

Also, list what programs automaticly start when you log on. You will find that in Accounts (Finder-->Sys. Prefs->System>Accounts>Login Items).
Eniregnat said:
Are you using any distributed processing programs? Like BOINC if so, that could be the culprate. Just a thought.

yeah i thought this might be it, becaseu i recently downloaded the client and hadn't been using it, i deleted it and everything went back to normal...thats wat i get for tryin to help out eh?
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